University of Washington Medical Center
DEPARTMENT: Ambulatory Care Division
APPROVED BY: Assistant Administrator, Ambulatory Care Division; Associate Medical Directors, Ambulatory Care Division
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UW Medical Center Guidelines for Prioritization of UW Medicine Referrals and Patients
UWMC provides levels of care that range from primary to highly specialized. Access to highly specialized care is limited by its nature. These guidelines have been created to ensure UW Medicine patients are given priority access to UW Medicine Center outpatient care and ancillary services.
POLICY: The following outlines how UWMC manages appointment access to its outpatient clinical and ancillary resources:
1. UWMC appointment availability access policies are set at the individual unit/clinic level based on unique or highly specialized clinical services that are only offered by that particular practice.
a. Units/clinics will prioritize UW Medicine referrals by developing a clearly defined process that is mutually agreed upon by UWMC Administration and unit/clinic leadership.
i. The process may include but is not limited to setting aside a portion of the appointments for UW Medicine patients/referrals; prioritizing the processing and appointing of internal UW Medicine referrals before external referrals; and/or limiting or eliminating clinical review of internal UW Medicine referrals.
b. The established process will be reviewed quarterly to ensure that all parties agree it is supporting the prioritization of internal UW Medicine referrals.
c. Any unused UW Medicine appointment slots will be released no later than 48 hours in advance for scheduling of any other patients.
2. New patient access to care is prioritized based on the following criteria, in priority order:
a. Referral Source: UW Medicine – Internal Referral
i. These patients will be appointed and given priority over Non-UW Medicine referrals.
b. Clinical Criteria
i. In the event a patient is being referred for a unique clinical specialty only available at the UW Medical Center, the patient will be given priority access to a specialty appointment regardless of the referral source.
ii. Medical review will occur in a timely manner to ensure the UW Medicine Referrals Standards are met. (All patients are contacted within one business day, if there are no financial barriers to scheduling, medical review should be done after the appointment is made, and medical review is completed within seven (7) calendar days of the referral date.)
3. UWMC reserves the right to prioritize access for established UW Medicine patients:
a. Established UW Medicine patients are given priority appointments over Non-UW Medicine referrals.
b. Non-UW Medicine patients are provided access to care based first on clinical criteria and are appointed in slots not designated for UW Medicine patients.
4. Emergency Room Access
a. Patients seen in the UWMC Emergency Department for care who have an assigned PCP for managed care plans will be referred back to their PCP if a referral for specialty care is needed.
b. Patients seen in the UWMC Emergency Department who are referred to a UWMC outpatient clinic for follow up care are prioritized for access as an established UW Medicine patient. The patient is considered an internal referral./’
REVIEW/REVISION DATES: 04/2009, 08/2012, 12/2013, 06/2019, 05/2021
REVIEWED BY: Richelle Bagdasarian; Assistant Administrator, Ambulatory Care Division,
Thomas Hei, MD, FAAFP; Associate Medical Director, Ambulatory Care Division;
Justin Rothmier, MD, FAAFP; Associate Medical Director, Ambulatory Care Division;
APPROVED BY: JoAnne McDaniels, Hospital-Associate Administrator, UWMC,