The air inside the trailer is slightly musty, reminiscent of cedar and memories just out of reach. Inside, stacks of paper and notebooks and postcards eagerly await someone’s pen. They rest on two small tables, a slight breeze causing them to ripple like the sea, and they whisper secrets to each other. If the trailer sat there long enough, grass would begin to ensnare its tires and eventually invade the wooden interior. Perhaps that is what the trailer wanted for those few sunny days, to sit in that glow as the voices of students passed endlessly by.
As April comes to a close, so does 2017’s poetry and letter writing month. On April 3rd and 4th, the small campus trailer was parked next to the library and I was lucky enough to be able to spend some time inside! Here are some pictures of the trailer:
The UWB/Cascadia library had a poetry month celebration of its own, via the children’s literature display. Students were invited to write poetry and read some of the sweet children’s poetry books. Here are some pictures of the display, which can be found on the second floor of the library through the end of the month:
Last fall I began my Running Start journey at Cascadia College, prompting many other new beginnings. I found a job that I actually enjoyed at the campus library, decided to pursue a degree in Computer Science, and have just recently been accepted at the UW Bothell for the Fall of 2017.
The decision to attend UW Bothell was an easy one; I fell in love with the campus this past year. Below are just a few of the many reasons for how this came to be.
Of course, traffic on I-405 and downtown Bothell will be outrageous at times. But, this is really only during rush hours (from my experience), and isn’t nearly as bad as Seattle’s usual traffic. I can oftentimes get home to Lynnwood in as little as ten minutes!
There’s also so much to do around campus: hikes, museums, and our amazing downtown. UW Bothell has a great page on this here.
Small Class Sizes
UW Bothell and Cascadia are the Goldilocks of classes – not too big, not too small, but just right. Classes usually contain around 30 students total, allowing easy access to both classmates and the professor. Also, since these professor will have less students than ones teaching lecture halls, office hours are generally more practical. I love knowing that if I’m ever struggling, I’ll have opportunities to seek help from the instructor themselves.
Both colleges on campus currently have around 5,000 students each (compared to UW Seattle’s 45,000), which is really nice for people like me who tend to be intimidated by large crowds.
The campus works hard to ensure that there’s a place for everyone here.
Clubs – We have many clubs for all kinds of cultures, majors, and interests… this website has currently listed 91 for UW Bothell students!
Campus Events – Cascadia and Bothell have their own frequent events on campus, and sometimes they’re conjoined! For example, our HERO program had hosted healthy snacking and free massages in the library right before Fall Quarter finals this year.
With two schools, it’s no surprise that the campus has a large range of degrees available. Cascadia offers certificates, associate (2 year) degrees, and even a couple undergraduate. While the selection is not as vast as Seattle’s, UW Bothell does offer both undergraduate and graduate degrees.
Because of the wide range of degrees available on campus, many students earning associate degrees at Cascadia attempt to transfer over to UWB! I’m personally hoping to take this route for a degree in Computer Science.
College is expensive, with tuition being only part of the battle. Luckily, our campus has lots of student resources.
Most materials needed for class (textbooks, laptops, equipment) can be acquired from the library, UW Bothell’s Qualitative Skills Center (QSC), and Cascadia’s Open Learning Center.
Both colleges on campus offer free in-person and online tutoring to their students. Here are links to what’s currently available:
My absolute favorite part of campus is all of the space available to us, since our colleges realize that student homes aren’t always an ideal place to work. In addition to space in UWB (which can found here), many students also take advantage of Cascadia, the ARC, and the Food for Thought Cafe.
Tip: My go-to study area is the library’s third floor. This is the silent floor, home to the majority of our study rooms and the completely silent reading room.
We may not have beautiful cherry blossom trees like Seattle, but we still have plenty more to offer.
Come here in the Spring or Summer, and you’ll find fruit, vegetation, and flowers growing right in the center of campus. Since it’s our community garden, anyone on campus is free to pick and plant (within reason, of course).
Many consider the North Creek Wetlands to be the highlight of campus, and for good reason; it’s a great, quiet place to walk through and just take a break from the stresses of school. For more info, click here. For AMAZING pictures, here.
The artwork around campus is incredible, and there’s a lot to see! Our library has composed a page showcasing much of the art. Meanwhile, Cascadia College houses the Mobius Art Gallery.
In the year I’ve been here, I’ve truly grown to love this campus; it is the only college I can see myself at and want to attend these next couple of years. UW Bothell tailors more to my own learning style than the other campuses, so I chose to only apply there. My advice is that instead of making a decision based on what others consider to be the better school, base it on which is the better school for you as an individual student. This is your education and your choice.
Fall quarter is just around the corner, and there are so many decisions that have to be made: what classes to take, when to take them, whether to buy or rent your textbooks, etc. The cornerstone decision for everything on campus, though, is how to get there. Luckily, our campus allows for quite a few options, and one of those is public transportation! I know, it’s not the most luxurious means of travel. Riding the public bus for the first time can be intimidating, but it doesn’t have to be!
Taking the bus is a great way to save time, money, and stress… If done correctly. I’ve been using buses as my main means of transportation for years now, and so I’ve compiled a list of what I wish I had known before starting.
On paying:
Purchase a bus pass. If your route consists of transfers, DO NOT use cash, and buy a pass for the bus instead. This will save you a lot of money that could be used for other things, like coffee to get you through those morning classes.
Cascadia students/staff: Once you receive your campus ID card, you can take this form over to the Kodiak Corner (with your payment of $91) and get your new Orca Card through U-Pass. For the duration of the quarter, that card will have unlimited rides on three local transit systems.
UW Bothell students/staff: You can activate your U-Pass at the UWB Cashier’s Office in UW1. Much like Cascadia’s, this U-Pass costs $91 for the quarter, and is conveniently your husky card!
Other: For those not eligible for a campus bus pass, there’s still hope! Visit for more information on how to purchase a general Orca Card.
Planning trips:
Use a website or an app. There’s so much to consider when planning your bus route – transfers, walking distance, time, etc. Thankfully, there are many free sites that will figure all of this out for you. Use any of the following to find the most convenient route possible.
Have backup routes. Buses often run late, so if there’s an alternate bus that comes and will get you to your destination, take it!
Test out your route (at the same time you intend to bus) before classes start. This will be especially helpful if the route consists of transfers or is a long one. If there’s anything you are not sure about – traffic, where the bus stops, if the next bus will be made – test the route, and make sure that everything will go smoothly on the first day of class.
If not using a pass that is already paid for, check the ride cost. Different transit systems have different costs, and crossing county lines will typically cost more.
Have exact change. Bus drivers do not carry change, so if all you have is a ten dollar bill, you’ll have to pay with that.
Even better, have EXTRA change. You’ll need it in case you get on the wrong bus and have to pay for another.
Keep a charged phone. I know, it’s tempting to use that last 5% on the bus ride back home. But, you’ll be glad you didn’t in case something goes wrong (like missing your stop) and have to call for a ride.
Getting on:
Have payment ready BEFORE getting on the bus. Don’t be that person to hold up the line!
Be at your stop at least five minutes before. This is commonly suggested by bus drivers, manuals, websites, etc. Trust me, it’s not a tip you will want to skip. Times shown are only an estimate, and so you never know when the bus will come early. Not all drivers will wait to depart.
Make sure you are on the right side of the road. Buses often have stops at the same intersection, but obviously going in different directions. Ending up in Shoreline when you meant to go to Everett? Not fun.
Double check the bus you’re getting on. The route number and destination are digitally printed on both the side and front of the bus, so make sure it’s exactly what you’re looking for before you leave on it. If uncertain, ask the driver!
During the ride:
Only take one seat. No one likes the person taking up two seats on a full bus, so keep your belongings either on your lap or on the floor. Not only does this prevent valuables from being potentially stolen, but others getting on the bus will appreciate that they won’t have to ask for you to move your things in order to sit.
Refrain from long, personal phone conversations. These are irritating, and it’s helpful (and somewhat worrying) to assume that everyone on the bus has nothing better to do than listen to every word during the ride. Of course, if you need to take a call, then take it; but try to keep it as short and quiet as possible.
Be respectful to your fellow commuters. They’re all like you in just trying to get to their destination pain-free. Respect includes taking only one seat, talking quietly on the phone or with a friend, giving up your seat to a senior, etc.
DO NOT fall asleep on the bus. A forty minute bus ride right before your 8am class may sound like the perfect opportunity for a nap, but beware: a missed stop can potentially cost you time and money. Plus, one of the scariest feelings is not knowing where you are when you wake up.
Instead of spending the ride snoozing, take the time to study or read a book! I’ve been making my way through A Game of Thrones during my commutes.
If this list of tips for riding the bus scared rather than consoled, seriously, don’t worry. Practice makes perfect, and it’s not as scary as it seems. All of these tips come from personal experience (aka hundreds accounts of falling asleep, missing a stop, getting on the wrong bus) and here I am: perfectly okay and still a frequent rider. Follow these tips, and you will be too!
If that’s not enough to convince, keep in mind that you will no longer have to deal with driving through traffic and parking.
There is something rather magical about books small enough to fit in the palm of your hand, books you can carry with you wherever you go. A few months ago, I was talking to a fellow library employee about the wonderful world of small books and was thrilled to discover I wasn’t the only one completely in love with them. I then decided I needed to know exactly how small the smallest book in the library was. I set off on my nearly hour-long adventure, beginning at A and trekking all the way to Z. Past gargantuan textbooks, hidden away between mountainous instruction manuals were my treasures: tiny books. They are good at blending in, some even seem to disappear on the shelf. However, when caught, these little storytellers can prove to contain multitudes.
Here are just a few of my discoveries:
A Book Of Glyphs by Edward Sanders
Time Will Say Nothing by Ramin Jahanbegloo
Crown Of Olive by John Ruskin
This set of charming yellow play scripts
Left to Right:
Night Moves By Stephanie Barber
Avatar by Evan Lavendar Smith
Attempts At Life by Danielle Dutton
Left to Right:
Love At First Bark by Julie Klam (who wrote another book with an equally adorable title: You Had Me At Woof)
The Case Against Perfection by Michael J. Sandel
The Lost Art Of Reading by David L. Ulin
Clockwise from bottom left:
Being Peace by Thich Nhat Hanh
The Compleat Angler by Izaak Walton
Les Chatiments by Victor Hugo
Book Of Wonder by Lord Dunsany
And of course, the smallest book I could find, Turtle Island by Gary Snyder which measures a mere 4.5 x 3 inches.
And there are even more of these lovely little books to be found throughout the library, in fact, here are all of the small stories that didn’t make it into this post!
If you are looking to learn more about mental health this month, a great way to do so is by reading graphic novels. Yes, you read that right, graphic novels are a great resource for learning about mental health. Personally, I have found graphic novels to be an easier and more enjoyable way to learn about mental health than by reading from one of the numerous other books about mental health (which can sometimes tend to be quite bland and wordy). This is not to say other books about mental health cannot also be powerful and offer plethora of knowledge on psychology, but graphic novels just have something other books don’t tend to have. Graphic novels have art and are able to communicate aspects of mental health that words just can’t quite describe.
In honor of this special month, and as ways to help beat the always present stigma on metal disorders, I have compiled a list of graphic novels in the Campus Library that can help inform you on mental health.
If you have little knowledge of mental disorders or would just like an introduction to the vast array of them, than Psychiatric Tales by Darryl Cunningham would be a great book for you to check out. In this graphic novel Cunningham utilizes his knowledge from his previous years working in a psychiatric ward to discusses several mental illness in short chapter like sections. Some of the illnesses discussed in this book include schizophrenia, depression, and antisocial personality disorder.
Marbles is a fantastic graphic memoir (and a personal favorite of mine) about bipolar disorder. This book follows fellow Seattle artist Ellen Forney after her diagnosis of bipolar disorder. Throughout this book we go through through the ups and downs of Forney’s illness, and see the frustrating battle she has trying to reach a state of balance. The art in this graphic novel is absolutely wonderful, and this book includes a plethora of knowledge on bipolar disorder. I could go on and on about how great this book is, but I will spare you. Ultimately you should just pick this book up if you have not yet read it.
If you enjoy the movie Inside Out or would like to learn more about how the brain generally works, then you might want to check out Neurocomic by Hana Roš and Matteo Farinella. Neurocomic is an illustrated guide to how the brain works and includes topics such as neurons and memory function. This book is sure to fill your noggin with a plethora of brainy knowledge.
There are not many graphic novels out there about autism, let alone about a parent with autism, but the graphic novel Something Different About Dad by Kristi Evans and John Swogger discusses this not so talked about topic. This book shows what it is like to grow up with a parent with Asperger’s Syndrome, and how having a parent with Asperger’s affects a family.
If you are looking to learn more about the deadliest mental illness than the graphic memoir Lighter Than My Shadow, by Katie Green, would be a great resource for you . Lighter than My Shadow discusses Katie Green’s struggle and recovery from an eating disorder. This book follows Green throughout her childhood and shows the evolution of her eating disorder, and the symptoms of it that came from an early age.
The graphic memoir Hyperbole and a Half by Allie Brosh manages to do the paradoxical by making a book that deals with depression humorous. With the humor in this book, inclusion of dogs, and array of technicolor language Brosh makes learning about depression a little bit easier and more enjoyable.
Tangles is a graphic memoir by Sarah Leavitt about her experience losing her mother to Alzheimer’s disease. This book follows the six years of Levitt’s mother’s Alzheimers disease, and documents the transformation this illness has on Leavitt and her family. This book is full of emotion, and can help to offer insight into such a detrimental disease.
Have you ever wondered what it would be like to be a fly on the wall in a therapy session, or just wanted to know more about therapy? Well you are in luck because Coach Fiction by Philippa Perry can help answer those questions for you. Unlike many of the other graphic novels listed here, Coach Fiction is a tale of mental illness that includes a therapist’s perspective and is written by an actual therapist. This book follows imperfect therapist Pat through her therapy sessions with her client. Overall, this book shows a lot of the process of therapy and is very informative.