Helpful preventative actions to avoid getting sick

Have you ever wondered why they call fall and winter the “sick seasons”? It’s because when our internal body temperature drops due to cold weather, germs are likelier to thrive and increase the probability of catching a cold. Being on a small campus like UWB/CC, people getting sick can spread like wildfire. On top of getting your annual flu shot, here are some preventive actions that you can take to avoid getting sick this season:

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Sicknesses that are most common on college campuses like the common cold and the flu are spread by coming in contact with someone who is already sick. Practicing and building hygienic habits can save you in the long run.

  • Wash your hands frequently in order to stop the spreading germs. Carrying hand sanitizer is very helpful.
  • Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth with dirty hands.
  • Wash your bedding every two weeks and immediately after you’ve been sick.
  • Don’t share any food or drinks with others so that you don’t give each other whatever sickness is going around.
  • Keep a clean space. Dust harbors millions of microscopic bugs that can make you sick.
  • Remember to cover your coughs and wear a medical face mask when needed.
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Eat right

A balanced diet that gives you the nutrients you need to boost your immune system is a vital part in preventing you from getting sick, but for when you do catch something nasty, your body begins to battle through the sickness throughout the day. Eating the right foods can help restore its energy and have you feeling better quicker.

  • Chicken soup – This classic remedy is full of nutrients like vitamins and protein that are essential to your body’s recovery.
  • Herbal tea – A hot cup of tea can help with congestion and you can also add honey to help soothe a sore throat.
  • Ginger – Eating ginger can reduce nausea and it has an effect to make you feel warm. You can cut up pieces of ginger and mix it into hot water or cook it in with soup.
  • Orange juice – Orange juice is packed with vitamin C that helps your immune system. If you want to try something different, freeze the orange juice and eat it as shaved ice or a popsicle.
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This is essential. When you’re sick, your body needs sleep now more than ever. If you’ve noticed that you feel even more tired and sleepy than usual, that’s your body giving you a sign to go to bed. During sleep is when your body does the most fighting and recovering so in order for you to get over your sickness, get enough rest. The recommended hours of sleep for adults is 7 to 9 hours.

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Survival items

You never know when you’ll start feeling sick so it is best to be prepared by carrying some essential items in your bag. If you find yourself coming down with something while on campus, most of the items listed are sold at the University Book Store located inside Food for Thought Cafe.

  • Water
  • Hand sanitizer
  • Mini tissue packs
  • Pain relievers like Advil and Tylenol
  • Cough drops
  • Emergen-C packets


“5 Ways to Prevent Getting Sick as Weather Transitions.” GoHealth Urgent Care, 22 Nov. 2017,
Jones, Taylor. “The 15 Best Foods to Eat When You’re Sick.” Healthline, 17 June 2016,
Rossen, Jeff, and Jovanna Billington. “Dust in Your Home Can Make You Sick: Here’s How to Fight It.” Today, 27 Apr. 2017,