Lab Updates

May, 2024

Research Assistants Adriana Lopez and Caleb Lee presented at the UW Undergraduate Research Symposium!

We are thrilled to welcome Carly Gray as a PhD student in the lab!

Congratulations to Carly Gray who has been awarded with the Excellence in Teaching Award from the 54th annual University of Washington Awards of Excellence!

April, 2024

Dr. Lucía Magis-Weinberg presented at the ‘Impact of Technology and Digital Media on Child and Adolescent Development and Mental Health’ conference hosted by the Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development and the National Institute on Mental Health.

Congratulations to Taylor Mitsuko Ka’omealani Nishimoto (RA) who will begin pursuing her M.A in Counseling Psychology, specializing in Clinical Mental Health Counseling at the University of Hawai’i at Hilo this summer!

The interACTlab attended the Society for Research in Adolescence Meeting in Chicago (April 17 to April 20, 2024). 


September, 2023

Lucía MagisWeinberg and Katherine Foster received a five-year, R01 grant from National Institute of Mental Health. The project is titled: Heterogeneity in joint real-time and developmental influences of positive and negative social media experiences on socioemotional vulnerability and psychopathology across adolescence. The proposed research seeks to characterize positive and negative online experiences as sources of risk and resilience for loneliness and psychopathology, studying in early and mid adolescents, key developmental points of transformation of peer interactions.

We are thrilled to welcome Kimberly Nielsen as a PhD student in Developmental Psychology! 


August, 2023

Congratulations to Rebecca Ruby Aviña (RA) who is starting the School Psychology M.Ed. Program at UC Santa Barbara, to Calvin Trihnh (RA) who is starting the Masters Program in Social Work at UW, to Ryan (Yi-Heng) Tsai who is starting a PhD in Developmental Psychology with Prof. Eva Telzer at UNC, and Sarah (Chun-chi) Yang who is starting a PhD in School Psychology at UC Berkeley with Prof. Frank Worrell . 

June, 2023

Congratulations to our undergraduate RAs on their graduation from UW Psychology Class of 2023: Rebecca Ruby Aviña, Alberto Macias, Briana Martinez, and Tobias Muldoon


October, 2022

The interACTlab joins forces with Common Sense Education to celebrate Digital Citizenship Week around the world.


September, 2022

We are thrilled to welcome Daniela Muñoz Lopez as the lab’s first PhD student!


August, 2022

We are thrilled to welcome Marissa Arreola as our new lab manager!

June, 2022

Dr. Lucía Magis-Weinberg has been featured UW Research. Read more about it here!

New Publication on Adolescent Resilience and Internalizing Symptoms 

Our recent publication “Socio-ecological Resilience Relates to Lower Internalizing Symptoms among Adolescents during the Strictest Period of COVID-19 Lockdown in Perú” explores the culturally-relevant personal and caregiver resources that youth can use to adapt to stressful situations and the relationship this has with internalizing symptoms. Read more about it here!

March, 2022

SRA PostConference

Dr. Lucía Magis-Weinberg will be participating as a panelist with Dr. Mitch Prinstein at the Peer Relations 2022 SRA PostConference on Friday, March 25th. The panel will explore the role of social media on adolescent relationships.

Capstone Project Completion

Congratulations to our graduate student research assistant, Elizabeth Sherwin, for successfully completing her Masters Capstone project on “Social Media Intensity, Loneliness, and Anxiety among Peruvian Adolescents during the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Longitudinal Study!

New Review Paper

Our PI, Lucía Magis Weinberg, co-authored a review paper on “Social Media and Adolescent Well-being in the Global South.” This review paper was recently published in the journal Current Opinion in Psychology. Click here to read the review!

SRA Conference

Our PI, Lucía Magis Weinberg, took part in the invited Presidential Symposium on the impact of COVID/19 on adolescent development at Society for Research on Adolescence (SRA) conference in New Orleans that was held on March 3 – 5, 2022.

Our research assistants, Sarah Yang and Sonia Dominguez, also participated at the SRA conference. Sarah was a part of the COVID/19 and Racism panel and gave a presentation on the interplay of sleep and emotion regulation in adolescents during lockdown. Sonia participated in the Cultural Perspectives on Social Media Use in Adolescence panel and presented a mixed-methods project that explored Peruvian adolescents’ attitudes towards social media.