In the media

interACT in the Media

Our team is always contributing to new and exciting research endeavors. Find us and our work at research conferences, published journals, podcast interviews, and news articles – links below!



Verdant Community Wellness Day: How to develop a balanced media diet for teens

Attaining a healthy relationship with digital media is a topic of the Verdant Community Wellness Day, as presented by Daniela Muñoz Lopez. Read the article to find out more about how to develop a balanced media diet.

Potential risks of content, features, and functions: The science of how social media affects youth

Dr. Magis-Weinberg was part of the APA Expert Advisory Panel who put together this report on Potential Risks of Content, Features, and Functions of Social Media.



We Should Talk About How Social Media Use Differs By Race And Ethnicity

Black and Hispanic youth use social media more than white kids, exposing them to its psychological harms and distracting from more useful endeavors. Hear from Lucia about the racial and ethnic differences in social media use.

A Closer Look at Teens & Digital Technology

The impact of digital technology on teens’ mental health is the focus of a new course developed by Lucia Magis-Weinberg in the UW Department of Psychology.

How our relationships with our phones affect us

Social media and mobile devices can significantly impact our attention spans, particularly among children. Hear Lucia delve deeper into this topic as a guest speaker on an episode of the 1A WAMU NPR podcast.

How not to lose yourself in a relationship - On Our Minds with Ashley and Tyler

The American Pediatric Association emphasizes that behaviors and knowledge learned from teen relationships impact mental health and set a foundation for building healthy relationships in adulthood. Hear how teens break the cycle of an unhealthy relationship, find their own identity, cope with break-ups, and handle friends or partners who trauma-dump through digital communications. Lucia was recently interviewed by Natalie, Nadia, Kaitlyn, and Kyann from Sedro-Woolley High School in Sedro-Woolley Washington on their podcast, On Our Minds with Ashley and Tyler. Listen to hear her offer her expert opinion on adolescent development in this context.

Should social media pay for addicting kids? Seattle schools lawsuit gains steam

A lawsuit filed by the Seattle school district to hold social media platforms accountable for their role in the youth mental health crisis is gaining steam. KUOW spoke with Lucia about the role of social media on adolescent development and the importance of schools as the key point of contact.

A smart phone with the app icons for various social media apps visible (TikTok, Twitter, Instagram, WhatsApp, Facebook)

Are social media companies to blame for youth mental health crisis? It’s complicated

Geek Wire interviewed Lucia for their article on Washington State school districts suing social media companies for exacerbating a youth mental health crisis. Lucia outlines how there’s many factors contributing to the mental health crisis and how problematic social media habits is one of them. Click to open the article in a new tab!

A father and son sitting together and looking at a tablet.

APA health advisory on social media in adolescence

Lucia recently worked with other adolescent development and social media researchers to create an APA advisory report on adolescent social media use. The report outlines what current research finds and what recommendations that panel came to to maximize benefits and limit harms and problematic use. Click to open the link to the report in a new tab.

Does social media actually harm teens? - KUOW

The rates of suicide, anxiety and depression among young people have been on the rise since the 80s. Seattle Public Schools thinks social media is to blame… at least, in part. They and Kent school district are suing major tech companies over the role they may play in worsening mental health of youth who use their services. So, KUOW radio asked Lucia: What does science tell us about the connection between mental health and social media? Click on the link to listen!

(blurb adapted from KUOW website)



When Should You Take a Break from Social Media? Tom Holland, Jonah Hill Leave Instagram Due to Mental Health

Various aspects of social media have the potential to be harmful to one’s mental health. Health interviewed Lucia to better understand the connection between social media and its potentially harmful effects on one’s mental health.

'Not surprising': UW psychology professor, teen weigh in on potential negative impacts of Instagram

Facebook and Instagram have recently paused their work on developing “Instagram Kids” after an investigation by Wall Street Journal reported that Facebook’s owner was aware of the potential negative mental health impacts of Instagram. King 5 interviewed Lucia to weigh in on her perspective on the potential negative impacts Instagram may have on the mental health of young users, specifically due to the focus on social comparison within the app.

How a tumultuous school year for Seattle students sparked a movement to demand change

The Seattle Student Union was formed by a group of schools in the larger Seattle area with the intent to promote change and equity. By utilizing social media, SASA and the Seattle Student Union have been able to gain significant traction in their fights to advocate and raise awareness. Lucia spoke with the Seattle Times on the impact that social media can have on activism and movements, such as those by the Seattle Student Union.

Positive Online Experiences Can Combat Teen Loneliness

Psychology Today included Lucia’s work in an article for the Greater Good Science Center to shed light on the positive aspects of social media. The article by Psychology Today discusses the potential impacts of social media and the more nuanced truth behind loneliness and social media use.

Redes sociales generan bienestar entre jóvenes si hay interacción positiva

Así funciona el cerebro adolescente