McCoy Research Group

About Us

mccoy_anne-2About Anne McCoy

Professor McCoy received her B. S. degree in Chemistry from Haverford College in 1987, her Ph.D. degree in Chemistry from the University of Wisconsin-Madison in 1992 and was a Golda Meir post-doctoral fellow with Benny Gerber at the Hebrew University and University of California, Irvine. She joined faculty at the Ohio State University in 1994. She was promoted in 2000 to Associate Professor and again in 2004 to Professor. Professor McCoy has received a CAREER award from the National Science Foundation, the 1998 Ernst D. Bergmann Memorial Award from the US/Israel Binational Science Foundation, was named a Camille Dreyfus Teacher/Scholar in 1999 and was recognized as an Outstanding Woman in Science by AWISCO in 2005. She is also a Senior Editor of the Journal of Physical Chemistry, and the Secretary/Treasurer of the Physical Chemistry Division of the American Chemical Society.


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