McCoy Research Group

April 6, 2018

Meredith Publishes as a Science Writer!

In her Live Science article, Meredith elucidates the physics behind a new, yet controversial theory that puts forward the idea that dark matter is composed of ancient black holes. Well done, Meredith!  

March 5, 2018

Meredith Presented about Science Communication at the AAAS Conference

Last month, Meredith Fore attended the American Association for the Advancement of Science Annual Meeting in Austin, Texas! She represented Engage, a graduate student-run science communication organization. Over the course of the conference, Meredith attended talks and workshops focusing on how to engage the public about science, and how to make science as an institution…

December 26, 2017

McCoy Group Representatives at the Inaugural Northwest Theoretical Chemistry Conference

Victor Lee presented his first talk titled “Calculating Overlap Integrals Using Diffusion Monte Carlo” at NWTCC on October 27, 2017.   Way to go Victor! On October 28, 2017, Meredith Fore won the Journal of Chemical Physics Poster award at NWTCC for the poster titled “Investigation of Correlated Distance Distributions in CH5+ and Deuterated Analogs.” Well…

Congratulations to Laura, Bernice, and Meng for successful thesis defenses!

Dr. Meng Huang defended his thesis titled “Spectroscopy Studies of Free Radicals and Ions Containing Large Amplitude Motions” on December 15th, 2017. Dr. Bernice Opoku-Agyeman’s thesis was titled “Complexities in Nonadiabatic Dynamics of Small Molecular Anions” and she defended it on August 16, 2017.  Dr. Laura Dzugan’s defended her thesis titled “Theoretical Treatments of the Effects…