
Monica Rasmussen, Yang Yuan, Karin Hofer Apostolidis, Martha-Cary Eppes, P. Meredith, Thomas Mitchell, Amit Mushkin, Valerie Reynolds, Patrick Webb, Alan Hidy, Samantha Berberich, Russell Keanini, Alex Rinehart, and Maxwell Dahlquist. (in review). Evolving physical properties of rock during exposure at Earth’s surface. Geology
M. Rasmussen, M. C. Eppes, A. Mushkin, P. G. Meredith, T. M. Mitchell, R. Keanini, J. Aldred, P. Andričević, S. Berberich, M. P. Dahlquist, S. G.  Evans, M. Jain, M. Morovati, A. Layzell, Y. Nara, A. P. Rinehart, E. L. Sellwood, and U. Shaanan (submitted). What Doesn’t Break Rock Makes it Tougher. JGR-ES
Shaanan, U., Mushkin, A., Rasmussen, M., Sagy, A., Meredith, P., Nara, Y., Keanini, R. and Eppes, M.C. (2024) Progressive fracturing in alluvial clasts.
Geological Society of America Bulletin, 136(3-4), 1097-1110. PDF
Dente, E., Katz, O., Crouvi, O. and Mushkin, A.  (2023). The Geomorphic Effectiveness of Landslides.
Journal of Geophysical Research – Earth Surface, 128(12), e2023JF007191.  PDF
Shmilovitz, Y., Marra, F., Enzel, Y., Morin, E., Armon, M., Matmon, A., Mushkin, A., Levi, Y., Khain, P., Rossi, M., Tucker, G., Pederson, J., Haviv, I. (2023). The impact of extreme rainstorms on escarpment morphology in arid areas: insights from the central Negev Desert.
Journal of Geophysical Research – Earth Surface. 128, e2023JF007093. PDF
Ben-Asher, M., Mushkin, A., Lensky, N., Amit, R., Eppes, M. C., Ming, D., Shelef, E., Sletten, R. (2023) Salt deliquescence along boulder cracks in the Antarctic Dry Valleys: An overlooked source of moisture for rock weathering processes.
Geomorphology 437 (108800). PDF
Shmilovitz, A., Shelef, E., Wieler, N., Zhang, H, and Mushkin, A. (2023) Estimating the age of abandoned alluvial surfaces using morphologic dating of gully incision.
Journal of Geophysical Research – Earth Surface, 128 no. 3, e2022JF006875. PDF
Naor, R., Mushkin, A., Halevy, I. (2023) Morphometric constraints on the formation of new terrestrial analogs for planetary pits.
Geological Society of America Bulletin, 135, no. 9-10 (2023): 2200-2218. PDF
Shmilovitz, Y., Enzel, Y., Morin, M., Armon, M., Matmon, A., Pederson, J., Mushkin, A., Haviv, I. (2023) Aspect-dependent bedrock weathering, cliff retreat and morphology in a hyperarid environment
Geological Society of America Bulletin 135 no. 7-8 (2023): 1955-1966. PDF
Enzel, Y., Mushkin, A., Groisman, M., Calvo, R., Eyal, H., & Lensky, N. (2022) The modern wave-induced coastal staircase morphology along the western shores of the Dead Sea.
Geomorphology408, 108237. PDF
Wieler, N., Mushkin, A., Zhang, H., Sagy, A., Porat, N., Shmilovitz, Y., Ren, Z., Huang, F., Shi, P., Liu, J. and Shelef, E., (2022) Geomorphic Dating of Across‐Fault Gully Incision Reveals Time‐Invariant Late Quaternary Slip‐Rates at the Eastern Termination of the Altyn Tagh Fault.
Geophysical Research Letters49(8), p.e2021GL096933. PDF
Toner, J. D., Sletten, R. S., Liu, L., Catling, D. C., Ming, D. W., Mushkin, A., & Lin, P. C. (2022). Wet streaks in the McMurdo Dry Valleys, Antarctica: Implications for Recurring Slope Lineae on Mars.
Earth and Planetary Science Letters589, 117582. PDF
Hamawi, M., Goren, L., Mushkin, A., & Levi, T. (2022). Rectangular drainage pattern evolution controlled by pipe cave collapse along clastic dikes, the Dead Sea Basin, Israel.
Earth Surface Processes and Landforms47(4), 936-954. PDF
Shemesh, R., Mushkin, A., Crouvi, O., Katz, O. (2021) Mass Movements in Coastal Environments: Insights from the Storm, Seasonal and Annual-Scale Sediment Budget of Cliff-Dominated Beaches in the Eastern Mediterranean.
Earth Systems and Environmental Sciences, DOI: PDF
Armon, M., Dente, E., Shmilovitz, Y., Mushkin, A., Cohen, T J., Morin, E., Enzel, E. (2020) Determining bathymetry of shallow and ephemeral desert lakes using satellite imagery and altimetry
Geophysical Research Letters, 47(7). PDF
Mushkin, A., Gillespie, A R., Abbot, E A., Batbaatar, J., Hulley, G., Tan, H., Tratt, D M., Buckland, K n. (2020) Validation of ASTER Emissivity Retrieval Using the Mako Airborne TIR Imaging Spectrometer at the Algodones Dune Field in Southern California, USA
   Remote Sensing 12(5), p. 815-823. PDF
Batbaatar, J., Gillespie, A.R., Sletten, R.S., Mushkin, A., Amit, R., Liaudat, D.T., Liu, L. and Petrie, G., (2020) Toward the Detection of Permafrost Using Land-Surface Temperature Mapping.
   Remote Sensing, 12(4), p.695.  PDF
Shmilovitz, Y., Morin, E., Rinat, Y., Haviv, I., Carmi, G., Mushkin, A., Enzel, Y. (2020), Linking frequency of rainstorms, runoff generation and sediment transport across hyperarid talus‐pediment slopes
    Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, 45(7), pp. 1644-1659. PDF
Greenbaum, N., Schwartz, U., Carling, P., Bergman, N., Mushkin, A., Zituni, R., Halevi, R., Benito, G.,    Porat, N. (2020) Frequency of boulders transport during large floods in hyperarid areas using paleoflood analysis – An example from the Negev Desert, Israel,
Earth-Science Reviews, Volume 202. PDF
Greenbaum, N., Mushkin, A., Porat, N., & Amit, R. (2020) Runoff generation, rill erosion and time-scales for hyper-arid abandoned alluvial surfaces, the Negev desert, Israel.
Geomorphology358, p.107101. PDF
Mushkin, A., Katz, O., Porat, N. (2019) Overestimation of short-term coastal cliff retreat rates in the eastern Mediterranean resolved with a sediment budget approach
Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, 44(1), 179-190. DOI: 10.1002/esp.4490. PDF
Levintal, E., Lensky, N., Mushkin, A., Weisbrod, N. (2018) Pipes to Earth’s subsurface: The role of atmospheric conditions in controlling air transport through boreholes and shafts
Earth System Dynamics (9.3), 1141-1153. PDF
Matmon, A., Vainer, S., Enzel, Y., Grodek, T., Mushkin, A., ASTER team (2018). The near steady state landscape of western Namibia
Geomorphology (313), 72-87. PDF
Gellman, Y., Matmon, A., Mushkin, A., Porat, N. (2018). Drainage system reorganization and Late Quaternary tectonic deformation along the southern Dead Sea transform
Quaternary Research, 1-14. doi:10.1017/qua.2018.53.
Arav, R., Filin, S., Zweig, R., Avni, Y., Mushkin, A., Sagy., A. (2018) Mezzo- and micro-scale 3-D quantification of land degradation and gully development in arid environments – the Negev Highlands as a case study.
Journal of Arid Environments (153), 52-65
Beyth M., Sagy, A., Hijazi; H., Alkhraisha; S., Mushkin; A., Ginat, H. (2018) New evidence on the accurate displacement along the Arava/Araba segment of Dead Sea Transform.
International Journal of Earth Sciences 107(4), 1431-1443
Barkai, O., Katz, O., Mushkin, A., Goodman Tchernov, B. (2018). Long-term Retreat Rates of Israel’s Mediterranean Sea Cliffs Inferred from Reconstruction of Eroded Archaeological Sites.
Geoarcheology 33(3), 314-327. PDF
Mushkin, A., Katz, O., Crouvi, O., Alter, S., Shemesh, R. (2016) Sediment contribution from Israel’s coastal cliffs into the Nile’s littoral cell and its significance to cliff-retreat mitigation efforts.
Engineering Geology, 215, 91-94. PDF
Hetz, G., Mushkin, A., Blumberg, G, D., Baer, G., Ginat, H. (2016). Estimating the age of desert alluvial surfaces with spaceborne radar data.
Remote Sensing of Environment, 184, pp. 288-301.
Wang, G., Gillespie, A. R., Liang, S., MushkinA., Wu, Q. (2015). Effect of the Qinghai-Tibet Railway on vegetation abundance.
International Journal of Remote Sensing 36, no. 19-20: 5222-5238.
Shirman, B., Rybakov, M., Beyth, M., Mushkin, A., Ginat, H. (2015). Deep structure of the Mount Amram igneous complex, interpretation of magnetic and gravity data.
Geophysical Journal International, 200(3), 1362-1373.
Mushkin, A., Sagy, A., Trabelci, E., Amit., R., Porat, N. (2014). Measuring the time and scale-dependency of subaerial rock-weathering rates over geologic timescales with ground-based LiDAR.
Geology 42 (12), p. 1063-1066.
Amit, R., Enzel, Y., Mushkin, A., Gillespie, A., Jigjidsuren, B., Crouvi, O., Vanderberghe, J., Zhisheng, A., (2014) Linking coarse silt production in Asian sand deserts and Quaternary accretion of the Chinese Loess Plateau.
Geology 42(1), p.23-26.
Katz, O., Mushkin, A. (2013) Characteristics of sea-cliff erosion induced by a strong winter storm in the eastern Mediterranean.
Quaternary Research, 80(1) p. 20-32.
Matmon, A., Mushkin, A., Enzel, Y., Grodek, T., ASTER team (2013) Erosion of a granite inselberg, Gross Spitzkoppe, Namib Desert
Geomorphology, 201, p. 52-59.
Danilina, I, Gillespie, A, Balick, L, Mushkin, A., Smith, M, Blumberg, D. (2013). Compensation for subpixel roughness effects in thermal-infrared images,
International Journal of Remote Sensing 34(9-10) p. 3425-3436.
Nehorai, R., Lensky, I. M., Hochman, L., Gertman, I., Brenner, S., Mushkin, A., Lensky, N. G. (2013)
Satellite observations of turbidity in the Dead Sea.
Journal of Geophysical Research – Oceans, V. 118 (6), p. 3146-3160.
Danilina, I., Gillespie, A. R., Balick, L. K., Mushkin, A., O’Neal, M. A. (2012) Performance of a thermal-infrared radiosity and heat-diffusion model for estimating sub-pixel radiant temperatures over the course of a day
Remote Sensing of Environment 124, P. 492-501
Mushkin, A., Gillespie, A R., Montgomery D R., Schreiber B. C., Arvidson R E. (2010).
The composition of active slope streaks in the Olympus Mons Aureole
Geophysical Research Letters 37 (L22201).
Mushkin, A. & Gillespie, A.R. (2010). Using ASTER Stereo Images to Quantify Surface Roughness.
Invited chapter in – Land Remote Sensing and Global Environmental Change: NASA’s Earth Observing System and the Science of ASTER and MODIS. Eds. Ramachandran, B., Justice, C. & Abrams, M., Springer-Verlag publishing
Guerrieri, L., Gideon, B., Hamiel, Y., Amit R., Blumetti, A. M., Comerci V., Di Manna, P., Michetti, A. M., Salamon, A., Mushkin, A., Sileo, G., Vittori, E. (2010) InSAR data as a field guide for mapping minor earthquake surface ruptures: ground displacements along the Paganica Fault during the April 6th, 2009, L’Aquila earthquake
Journal of Geophysical Research 115.
Balick, L., Gillespie, A., French, A., Danilina, I., Allard, JP., Mushkin, A. (2009). Longwave Thermal Infrared Spectral Variability in Individual Rocks,
IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters, 6(1), p. 52-56.
Arvidson R E, D. Adams, G. Bonfiglio, P. Christensen, S. Cull, M. Golombek, J. Guinn, E. Guinness, T. Heet, R. Kirk, A. Knudson, M. Malin, M. Mellon, A. McEwen, A. Mushkin, T. Parker, F. Seelos, K. Seelos, P. Smith, D. Spencer, T. Stein, L. Tamppari (2008) Mars Exploration Program 2007 Phoenix Landing Site Selection and Characteristics.
Journal of Geophysical Research, 113 (E00A03).
McCabe, M., Balick, L., Theiler, J., Gillespie, A. R., & Mushkin, A. (2008). Forward Modeling of Linear Mixing in Thermal IR Temperature Retrieval.
International Journal of Remote Sensing 29(17-18), p. 5047-5061.
Mushkin, A. and Gillespie A. R. (2006). Mapping sub-pixel surface roughness on Mars using high-resolution image data.
Geophysical Research Letters (33) L18204, doi:10.1029/2006GL027095.
Gillespie, A. R., Montgomery, D. R. & Mushkin, A. (2005).
Are there active glaciers on Mars?
Nature (438) -Brief communication arising.
Mushkin, A., Balick, L. K. & Gillespie, A. R. (2005).
Extending surface temperature and emissivity retrieval to the mid-infrared (3-5 micron) using the Multispectral Thermal Imager (MTI).
Remote Sensing of Environment, 98 (2-3), p.141-151.
Mushkin, A. and Gillespie A. R. (2005). Estimating sub-pixel surface roughness using remotely sensed stereoscopic data.
Remote Sensing of Environment, 99 (1-2), p.75-83.
Mushkin, A., Navon, O., Halicz, L. & Stein, M. (2003). The petrogenesis of A-type magmas from the Amram Massif, southern Israel.
Journal of Petrology 44 (5), 815-832.
Mushkin, A., Stein, M. & Navon, O. (2000). Geology and Geochronology of the Amram Massif, southern Negev Desert, Israel.
Reply. Israel Journal of Earth Sciences 49, 253 – 255.
Mushkin, A., Navon, O., Halicz, L., Heimann, A., Woerner, G., Stein, M. (1999) Geology and geochronology of the Amram Massif, southern Negev Desert, Israel.
Israel Journal of Earth Sciences 48, 179 – 193.