Global Center for Integrated Health of Women, Adolescents, and Children (Global WACh) in the University of Washington Department of Global Health aims to make scientific discoveries, cultivate leaders, and bridge disciplines to advance the tightly connected health and well-being of women, adolescents, and children. Our research approach focuses on critical windows—during birth and infancy, during the transition from childhood to adolescence, and from adolescence into adulthood—where healthcare interventions can have long-term benefits across the lifecycle.
Kenyatta National Hospital is a multi-specialty centre of excellence offering services that meet international certification standards. As a world class patient- specialized care hospital, Kenyatta National Hospital’s mission is to optimize patient experience through innovative, evidence-based specialized healthcare; facilitate training and research; and participate in national health policy formulation.
University of Nairobi is the pioneer institution of University education in Kenya and the region. As the only institution of higher learning in Kenya for a long time, the U of N responded to the national regional and Africa’s high level manpower training needs by developing and evolving strong, diversified academic programmes and specializations in sciences, applied sciences, technology, humanities, social sciences and the arts.
Kenya Research and Training Center brings University of Washington faculty, students and researchers together to support research that improves health and informs policy in Kenya and other resource-limited settings across the globe. We aspire to improve health in Kenya and sub-Saharan Africa through high quality mentoring, rigorous scientific research and strong collaborations.