Neurodiversity at Work Playbook

Neurodiversity@Work Federal Edition

The Neurodiversity@Work Playbook Federal Edition is the product of a collaborative research project, the Neurodiversity and Employment Initiative: Initiating and Scaling Neurodiversity@Work Initiatives across Private and Public Organizations, led by Dr. Hala Annabi, an associate professor at the University of Washington Information School. This edition of the Neurodiversity@Work Playbook reflects the collaborative efforts of the University of Washington Information School, MITRE, and Melwood. The guidelines and lessons learned synthesized in the Federal Edition of the Playbook draw on the original Autism@Work Playbook; lessons learned from leading Neurodiversity@Work private organizations and Federal agencies; Melwood and MITRE’s experience; perspectives of neurodivergent self-advocates and professionals from various Federal agencies; and the knowledge and experience of leading neuroinclusion external partners Beyond-Impact, Neurodiversity in the Workplace, and Potentia Workforce.

The Neurodiversity @ Work Playbook: Employee Engagement & Growth Series

The Neurodiversity @ Work Playbook: Employee Engagement & Growth Series is a collaborative project led by Dr. Hala Annabi, an associate professor at the University of Washington Information School in collaboration with the Neurodiversity@Work Employer Roundtable. This series augments the original Playbook by focusing on best practices and lessons learned related to supporting growth and advancement. This series includes research-based content combined with best practices and lessons learned from over 20 employers including neurotypical and neurodivergent program leads.  Organizations interested in enhancing their culture to be more neuroinclusive will benefit from the guidance provided throughout the entire series.  Embracing neurodiversity in the workplace can help organizations tap into the unique perspectives, skills, and talents of neurodiverse employees, leading to increased creativity, innovation, and success.

Autism@Work Playbook

The Autism@Work Playbook is the product of a collaborative research project, Autism-Ready Workplace: Creating and Sustaining Autism Hiring Initiatives, led by Dr. Hala Annabi, an associate professor at the University of Washington Information School. To create this guide, the ACCESS-IT Research Group at the Information School studied the Autism @ Work programs of four leading employers: Microsoft, SAP, JPMorgan Chase and EY.

In their research, Dr. Annabi and her team systematically examined how the firms established their programs and how they sustain them. The researchers analyzed key organizational strategies, employment and resourcing models, and hiring and onboarding practices. In their analysis, the researchers distilled best practices and developed this guide for other organizations to use to get their programs started.

This is the second edition of the Playbook, including a new chapter on remote recruiting and onboarding.