
The CNT Hackathon is an annual, extended weekend-long event that takes place in Seattle, WA. In 36 hours, equipped with state-of-the-art technology and a soldering iron, elite teams of local and out-of-state students compete to create novel neural engineering solutions.

NeuraHack 2022, NeuroTEC and Synaptech’s first jointly-run hackathon, occurred the weekend of April 2nd. 29 students – most of whom were new to neurotechnology – participated and gained experience with hardware. Each of the seven teams demonstrated impressive creativity in their projects: focus monitoring for studying, examining the interplay of brain signals and language, fatigue monitoring, EMG for grip strength monitoring, and painting software controlled by the Muse headset.

Congratulations to Tim Li, Sunny Zheng, Yanfeng Cui for winning the hackathon! The winning team designed an automated annotator, which aimed to allow users to annotate each region of an image with their brain activity (as recorded by the Muse headset).

Tim Li, Sunny Zheng, and Yanfeng Cui stand in front of their winning presentation!