Welcome to the Neuroplasticity and Language Lab (NLL)! 

We are a psycho/neurolinguistic and child language research lab at UW Linguistics. Our research mainly examines how neuroplasticity and early language environment influence language and brain development, with a specific focus on bimodal-bilingual deaf children and adults.

Our research is highly interdisciplinary with insights from various fields, including language acquisition, psycholinguistics, neurolinguistics, developmental sciences, and cognitive neuroscience. We use various methods to explore our questions, including linguistic analysis of longitudinal and elicited production data from children and adults, behavioral psycholinguistic experiments, and neuroimaging methods (DTI, structural MRI, MEG).

Interested in participating in our research? You can fill in the interest forms below. We will contact you if you fit our research criteria!

Neural studies Behavioral studies
a brain doing yoga two hands