
Research Interests: Applied Time Series Analysis, Economic History, International Economics, Economic Education

Peer- Reviewed Publications:

  1. “First Steps in Flipping your Classroom: It’s Easier than you Think,” with Doug Wills, Australasian Journal of Economics Education, 17, 67-84, (2020)
  2. “Teaching the Quantity Theory of Money: A Simple Classroom Game,” with Doug Wills, Journal of Economics and Finance Education, 19, 9-16, (2020).
  3. “The Importance of Emphasizing the Intertemporal Consumption Model in Intermediate Microeconomics,” with Doug Wills, Journal for Economic Educators, 1, 25-29, (2017).
  4. “Attractor Misspecification and Threshold Estimation Bias,” Economics Bulletin, 36, 186, (2016).
  5. “Nonlinear Integration of London and Amsterdam Stock Markets in the 1700s,” with Doug Wills, Applied Financial Economics, 47, 928-939, (2015).
  6. “Deriving the Dividend Discount Model in the Intermediate Microeconomics Class,” with Doug Wills, Jonathan Schlaudraff, and Karianne White, Journal of Economic Education, 44, 58-63, (2013).
  7. “What is the Shape of Real Exchange Rate Nonlinearity?” with Kerk Phillips, Applied Financial Economics, 23, 363-375, (2013).
  8. “Time or Spot? A Revaluation of Amsterdam Market Data prior to 1747,” with Doug Wills and Brian Beach, Cliometrica, 7, 61-85, (2013).
  9. “Transatlantic Capital Market Price Discovery during a Financial Crisis,” with Chris Hoag, Bulletin of Economic Research, 65, 1-9, (2013).
  10. “Determinants of Homestead Claims and the Expansion of Western Settlement,” with Doug Wills and Randy McFerrin, Applied Economics Letters, 19, 1927-1932, (2012).
  11. “How Well does Nonlinear Mean Reversion Solve the PPP Puzzle?” Journal of International Money and Finance, 29, 919-937, (2010).
  12. “Testing for a Unit Root Against STAR Nonlinearity with a Delay Parameter Greater than One,” Economics Bulletin, 29, 2148-2169, (2009).
  13. “Systematic Small Sample Bias in Two Regime SETAR Model Estimation,” Economics Letters, 99, 134-138, (2008).