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Required Clinical Encounters, Assignments & Study Guides

* ALL clinical encounters and assignments are required and must be completed and submitted prior to the final exam in order to pass the clerkship


Required Clinical Encounters: Students are required to log clinical encounters into E-Value at the end of each week. Students are required to participate in the care of one of more patients with the diagnoses below.

Participation consists of: obtaining history and physical examination and/or rounding on the patient with and discussing the patient’s exam, imaging, or care with other team members.

If you are unable to have that level of involvement for a patient with one or more of the following diagnoses, we will provide an alternative assignment to fulfill this requirement. Please let us know as soon as possible.

1. Traumatic Brain Injury 2. Spinal cord injury or spinal disease 3. Vascular abnormality such as cerebral aneurysm, arteriovenous malformation, cavernous malformation 4. Brain tumor 5. Raised intracranial pressure 6. Hydrocephalus Participation consists of: obtaining history and physical examination and/or rounding on the patient with and discussing the patient’s exam, imaging, or care with other team members. If a student is unable to have that level of involvement for a patient with one or more of the following diagnoses, the Clerkship Director will provide an alternative assignment to fulfill this requirement.


Clinical clerkship evaluations are required 2x during the clerkship: Once at mid-clerkship (by the beginning of week 3) and again at the end of week 4 of the clerkship. *WWAMI students: since you work with the same site preceptor for the entire rotation, you will only have to request mid-clerkship evaluations from them – the Clerkship Coordinator will request the final overall clinical evaluation(s) of each WWAMI student directly from the WWAMI site preceptor(s) at the end of the rotation*

Evaluation forms need to be filled out by a physician (or physicians) with whom you’ve been closely working.

If you are having trouble getting evaluations completed, please let us know as soon as possible.

Seattle student forms: Clerkship feedback form (weeks 1-2) (Seattle students)Clerkship feedback form (weeks 3-4) (Seattle)

Spokane student form: Mid-clerkship feedback form (SPOKANE students);

Billings student form: Mid-clerkship feedback form (BILLINGS)

2. Consult Courtesy:

No matter what your specialty, you will be calling and fielding plenty of consults, and this can be nerve wracking. This is a good time to build and reinforce some good consulting habits. Please pay attention to how consults are received and delivered (possibly by yourself, but more likely by others) during this rotation. Read this brief article below and then reflect on the following.

In addition, it’s a good idea to prepare in advance as you first start calling consult requests, especially for complicated patients. A basic template is included below that you may find helpful as you prepare.

Things to Reflect On (send us your responses)

1. Briefly – what are 3 things you can do to be a more courteous and effective CONSULTER

2. Briefly – 3 things you can do to be a more courteous and effective CONSULTANT

3. Delivery of Serious News

4. Heads Up Online Training Module. Concussion is an important topic no matter your specialty and also may be applicable in your day to day life. Please complete the Heads Up Online Training module for Providers.  It takes about 30-45 minutes. Please submit your responses to Note – sometimes there are troubles accessing this module online. Try switching browsers.  If this still does not work, just review the materials for providers from the site and let us know that you have done that instead.

5. Verbal presentation on a relevant neuroscience topic. In Seattle this will be completed during your time at either the VA, SCH, UWMC or HMC and details will be provided by the Clerkship Director. In Spokane, Dr. Carlson will provide details and expectations. Site preceptors may assign presentation topics to students.

6. Mini-CEX (combined)– perform cranial nerve or motor portion of neurological exam under observation of an attending or resident

7. Four weekly study guides are provided for you to work through over the course of the month to help as you prepare for your final exam. These do not cover everything that is included in your final, but they go over many diseases and concepts that will be helpful to study as you prepare for the final. A pre-recorded video for each of the four study guides will further explain some of the material. You do not need to turn in the study guides nor submit answers about the videos.

Study guide 1:

Study Guide 1 (video)


SG1 Key

study guide 1 slides

Study guide 2:

Study Guide Part 2 Part 1 (video)

Study Guide 2 Part 2 (video)

SG2 (no key)

study guide 2 cases slides

Study guide 3:

Study Guide 3 (video)

SG3 (no key)

study guide 3 slides

Study guide 4:

Study Guide 4 (video)

SG 4  (no key)

Study Guide 4  slides

Submitting assignments: Students are to submit assignments directly to the Clerkship Coordinator at

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