1. Who should apply to The Otherwise School?

Anyone regardless of academic affiliation or degree is encouraged to apply to this summer institute. This call is open to artists, activists, technology workers, graduate students, scholars alike. Prior history in organizing in one or more of the regions of the Global South would make an application stronger, but it is not a prerequisite.

We’re looking for people who have a strong political or cultural background but would benefit from immersive study on the social impact of technologies and opportunities to make meaningful transnational connections. Conversely, we’re also interested in computer scientists or people with technical training who are interested in learning more about the social impact of technologies in a global context. This is a chance to move beyond “mitigating algorithmic bias” and other technical fixes that do not take systemic analyses around race, class, caste, gender, religion, sexuality, etc. into account.

2. When is The Otherwise School taking place?

June 14 – July 23. Time commitment will be 10 hours a week, Weeks 1-3 will be 80% synchronous. Week 4-6 will be about 50% synchronous. Since applications are open globally, we’re waiting to announce exact times based on acceptance but will be a window between 10am-8pm EST.

3. What will I get out of participating in The Otherwise School?

Relationships with long-term community organizers and emerging movements around the Global South. Relationship and network established with academic institutions. A publication opportunity at the ACM Interactions Journal. And, a $2000 stipend! 

4. What are the participation requirements?

Tuition is free. You will receive a $2000 stipend. You need reliable internet access (which we acknowledge is a hardship for people living in regions where internet shutdowns are frequently used as a tool for political repression) with speeds fast enough to use video conference software and to download materials made available for the class.

Ideally, we’d offer this institute in multiple languages but the pilot program is currently in English which again we recognize will be a barrier for some  who would otherwise be great candidates. We expect those who apply to be available for the 10 hour commitment, there are only 12 spots available and it’s important they go to those who are able to attend. There are no residency requirements, applications are open globally.  

5. What is the time commitment for participating in this institute?

10 hours a week. 

6. How to apply? 

Check out our application form.

7. Will you provide accommodations for people with disabilities?

Yes! We’re using Zoom for the synchronous sessions of this program with the capability to do close captioning but if for example, you are a Non Speaking person who would need another platform to participate fully or if you need an ASL interpreter, please let us know. Programmatically, the curriculum is project based with opportunities for group collaboration and individual deep dives. You do not need to prove or divulge personal health information in order to be accommodated but we do ask that you share what it is that you would need in order to access the program.