5 thoughts on “Joseph Bellairs, MD”

  1. What is the throughput for this assay? For compound screening, not as a primary screen, you need to evaluate a significant number of drug candidates.

    1. Hi Dr. Dahl, thank you for the question. As it stands, this is not a high throughput system. Rather than serving as a screening system, we imagine that this assay can serve as a lead optimization platform. For example in the case of ORC-13661, we discovered the molecule with a high throughput screen in zebrafish. Now, as we pursue additional pre-clinical characterization of ORC-13661, we envision using this system to better understand how ORC-13661 impacts the ototoxicity of aminoglycosides. We hope to be able to answer questions like how much uptake inhibition of an aminoglycoside is clinically significant, and what sort of dosing schedule provides the most uptake inhibition. Instead of asking these questions with expensive, time consuming studies with ABRs, we hope to answer them with aminoglycoside uptake as a surrogate endpoint.

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