The Gift of Life

After talking about death and how to cope with it for an entire quarter, I would say I am still just as scared about dying and the thought of death as I was prior to this class. However, I would say that I have a better understanding of how that fear motivates me as a member of a certain society to act in a certain way. Terror Management Theory was a concept that I struggled to come to terms with as someone who likes to see myself motivated by life, not death, but working through it with our class has made me appreciate my time and place on this earth in a different light.

            Working with my action project group to showcase people’s opinions about death and how they could be rationalized or explained by the work of Ernest Becker and related to experiments done in Worm at the Core on Terror Management Theory was a very grounding experience. We got to work with the material we spent so much time discussing in class while we debated economic impacts of globalization on climate change and the influence of sacrifice and gift giving on our relationships with facing death. It felt like creating a small piece of information about the enormous concepts of life and death that we covered all quarter.

The Gift of Life – a painting by Aditi Jha

            Absorbing information about what to do as an activist in the face of climate change was just as difficult as facing the idea of death multiple times a week. I felt like we spent so much time talk about the irreversible damage that human pollution has caused to the environment during a time when I personally have never felt more connected to earth. It forced me to reevaluate if I was appreciating my position as a human existing as part of the earth system and giving back to it, because loving to hike and ski isn’t saving it even if it makes me appreciate it. It was seeing the albatrosses, learning the meaning of Anthropocene, and discussing the effects of the Bolt Creek fire on Seattle when we had the worst air quality in the world.

            Even though I am one person, this quarter has helped me understand the gift of existing as a person on this planet for the short time that I am.

Systems thinking and the university

I found myself struggling to write our final paper, because there were so many points I wanted to touch on and it seemed daunting to unite these points under a coherent argument. This blog post then is almost doubly difficult, because I’ll need to cut so many points out to keep the word count. Nonetheless, in this post I’d like to focus on systems thinking as it pertains to our action group project and the university system as a whole.

As we have learned it in class, systems thinking is an understanding that people, organizations, institutions, environments, non-human animals, and more are all in relation to one another. In our group, we worked as individual people within a group system. This group system worked within our class system, and the ICA system, and the university system, all of which also work within different systems (and of course our bodies are systems and relate to the ecological systems around us). 

In thinking about our group and ICA in relation to the university system, I found myself wondering about the purpose and feasibility of progressive struggle and action from within an institution so totally invested (literally) in fossil fuels, ecological destruction, and war. What are ways we could be using our energy more productively, while still pushing for climate justice? What will be the actual, material result of UW divesting from fossil fuels when so many other universities still will be? What are the contradictions of pushing for climate justice as students within an objectively colonial and imperialist institution? 

With all these questions, I don’t have specific conclusions. In my personal time, I engage in both institutional and subversive action, with varying results. I believe that there is value in organizing for institutional reform (particularly when keeping in mind the greater impact that success in this area can have), but I also recognize that American universities are inherently colonial and exploitative—in their histories, and in their present-day actions as well—and their interests are at odds with the interests of the masses. What I do hold is the importance of understanding the contradictions within any type of struggle. While there may not be one perfect way to “do the work,” building with each other and recognizing the limitations and strengths of different tactics will produce a more cohesive and powerful movement.

A Final Goodbye

Taking this class was honestly surreal. At no point in my academic life have I ever engaged in death in such a rich and generative way. Through our discussions and the weekly readings as well as our action project, I’ve began to find the answers to the multitude of questions that kept arising:

Why do I feel this helplessness/lack of control in the face of global catastrophe and death?

What is my true relationship to the earth and the earth’s system, and how am I impacting it?

The Overwhelming Feeling of Helplessness –Image credit:

I was able to understand that the topics that we discussed such as climate change and death as multi-dimensional: the issues permeate into social, political, and economic issues as well. Some examples includes death anxiety and political polarization, climate justice and environmental racism, disillusionment in our political institutions, and even contextualizing ourselves in the grand cosmic scheme of things.

Working through the action project allowed me to process these issues in a very productive way. Our group was tasked with design five social media posts to promote the campaign’s platform Working with WashPIRG: Save the Orcas was both an enlightening and insightful experience. Since this type of work was something I’ve never really done, it was great to learn what works and what doesn’t. The entire StO campaign was just getting started, and while that may explain some of the disorganization that my group experienced, it was nevertheless a point of frustration. Furthermore, I felt that the project that we were given to do wasn’t “enough.” I guess I didn’t really know what I expected, but given the topics that we discussed, I began to feel a sort of obligation to make real change during the class. I questioned all of my own choices and how I could not only change myself but my environment. Although the social media campaign did achieve the goal of promoting StO’s platforms and disseminating information, I felt like it didn’t do enough. Perhaps I envisioned this action project as my own immortality project, and doing what we did felt somewhat “incomplete,” which in a way felt like I wasn’t able to cement my legacy. Nevertheless, I felt that I was able to navigate some of the important themes that we had discussed all quarter in the action project.

Protesters at a Global Climate Strike protest –Image Credit: 2019 Getty Images

How to Save the World: Individualism to Community

My biggest takeaways from the course The Political Ecology of Death in the Anthropocene mainly came from our lively and engaging class discussions. One of the main, most pivotal thoughts that often came to the forefront of my mind during this class, was how the fear of death in Western society often provokes the cultural worldview of individualism. Therefore, my final synthesis paper explored this thought and the ramifications of it particularly relating to the Anthropocene.

This thought connected to the course content in multiple ways. One was through the contemplative practices. As stated in my previous blog post, I struggled to connect with the contemplative practices through this course, as I often found myself distracted by the productive cycle of the Western education system. However, this made me question how inextricably hard it is for participants in the capitalist system to be comfortable with the notion of ‘doing nothing’. This is linked to Terror Management Theory, as doing nothing, or sitting with your own mind for a second is contradictory to the productivity cycle of a worldview dominated by individualism. As most in the US, have this worldview, either as a choice or an indirect indoctrination by the institutions built upon it, when we do not conform to the capitalist system, we feel closer to death.

So, what is the solution? How do we live? The action project in this class allowed me to appreciate the idea of community. As someone who has not participated in a group project since secondary school, I forgot about the value of social connection within a classroom. In our increasingly isolated society, community is rare but increasingly more important. The fear of death is something inextricably linked with human behaviour, but by finding immortality projects within community action rather than individual prosperity, there can be a shift in cultural narratives. In Active Hope, this is spoken about regarding shifting the notion of power from being a dominating force to a collaborative one. Individualism in our society causes so much destruction, it can be linked to the mental health crisis, the ecological crisis and may even be the downfall of our civilisation. However, with a shift in our cultural worldview, from individual to community, this may be the shift we need in order to save humanity.

A John Berger quote, in a ‘meme’ format that I think beautifully describes how lonely our society can become when it is dictated by individualism, how social connection is craved, and how this relates to the fear of death.

Image source

final blog post- Action project and course synthesis

My primary takeaways from this course— while the enormity of the political ecology of death can be overwhelming and panic-inducing to contemplate, through community and following visionary paths, we can build a path forward for a future that includes all of us, starting with the communities most impacted by climate catastrophe. 

My group’s action project was monitoring the Institutional Climate Action (ICA)’s Divest from Fossil Fuels campaign for the UW.  The ICA’s divestment campaign was created after years of student-led efforts to push the UW Board of Regents and the UW Investment Management Company (UWINCO) to divest UW’s endowment from fossil fuels investment. For this project, I reviewed all of the financial documents made available through the Board of Regents agenda notes for the past year’s meetings, and made extensive notes, which were used to draft an email to the Board of Regents and UWINCO for further clarifications on their intentions for divestment following the passage of the ICA’s resolution by the Board. Medha and I were also responsible for the creation of the Decolonizing Climate Justice project, and I created the social media posts, included in the presentation recording.  As for the question— Are you inspired about the work you did? — I would say yes, but with the caveat that it is not really about me. I am proud of my creations, especially the social media posts about water conditions in Flint and currently, in Jackson, Mississippi, because it speaks to the urgency— what is conspicuously absent in mainstream conversations in the global north— about access to clean drinking water and plastic sustainability in this country. We need to apply a systems-thinking approach to this issue. Jackson is happening right now, and the only people I see talking about it online are those who are directly impacted, and they are Black and brown. The media neglect is another glaring piece of evidence that the organized abandonment of poor Black and brown communities in the U.S. is not only at the hands of the fiscal state, but also from the so-called movements for climate equity. Of course, my contribution is only a very small one. But I hope that future students can understand the importance and urgency of carving out spaces for these conversations, even if it means going against the grain of the academic culture they find themselves in. 

Systems thinking- From The Hunger Project. What if we applied this more holistically, to the water crisis in Jackson?


Preparedness vs Readiness

Contemplating death has historically been a depressing activity associated with the finality of life. It’s difficult to think about death, while simultaneously holding onto the idea that we are still full of life. To create a healthy relationship with death, it’s important to understand the difference between being prepared and being ready to die. 

Preparing involves organizing your life so that those you care about can continue to live without you: getting assets in order, planning events following your passing, thinking about a future without you. Being ready is different, and it’s doubtful anyone is ever ready. There is always a life left to live. 

Understanding that you are going to die, and making preparations for it does not mean that you have nothing left to give the world – the opposite is true. Being prepared opens up the space for action where death anxiety would normally reside. Watching Albatross was the catalyst for my comparison of readiness versus preparedness. I’ve always been horrified by the rate at which we produce plastics, which was why I chose the Beyond Plastics group to work with for our action project.

Our group partnered with Zero Waste Washington – an organization that works to make trash obsolete. From this project, I learned the most from my group mates. Our task was to create a social media presence for a bill, but none of us had the skills needed for such a project. However, we were able to lean on each other to fill the holes in our abilities. Our finished product wasn’t perfect, but it was significantly better than what we would have accomplished individually. I learned that even if you don’t have the tools, a group can still create something great by supporting each other. If we are going to succeed in bettering the Earth, we have to come together, accept that we are not ready for death, and combine our strengths to find the solutions that will benefit us.

From this class, I have understood what it means to prepare for death, but more importantly, what it means to be ready to live. There are obstacles facing us, but when we come together and accept that we aren’t done living, that we aren’t ready to give up on helping the planet, we can find the answers to the problems before us, and leave the Earth a better place when our time eventually comes.

An albatross from the film Albatross to remind us what we have done, but more importantly, what we can do

All the Action

I had the opportunity to work on the Save the Orcas campaign this quarter as part of the Action project, and I gained some amazing insights along the road. I had never worked on a campaign like this before, and on top of that, I had never participated in a program where I was being directed by a person who was younger than I was. My introduction to the marketing side came from the work we did for this campaign, which was mostly focused on their social media initiatives. I found this experience to be energizing because I had never before worked in marketing. I learned that even something as simple as designing an infographic for a company’s Instagram story required careful consideration and effort to ensure that the information was both readable and attention-grabbing enough for viewers.

Working with my classmates, I discovered that the work that was most successful was that which was motivated by the very animals we were attempting to save. When viewed in light of the information, the marketing we did might appear to be rather depressing; however, by incorporating color schemes meant to evoke images of the sea and the lives of these creatures, we were able to balance somber facts with amusing depictions of orcas enjoying their habitat and the effects they had on their environments. I was frequently reminded of the albatross movie we saw in class as I worked on this project. The natural order of things is still being destroyed as civilization advances deeper into the Anthropocene, particularly when it comes to the habitats of the oceans. A number of species are on the verge of extinction with little hope left due to the continued dumping of rubbish and the bad management of human constructions. At least with our project, we could see a clear result of the action we wanted to do, and by succeeding in that, it might even result in a slight improvement in the natural world. I couldn’t stop wondering how we could have ever allowed the world to get to this position while watching the albatross movie, but because of this campaign, I was able to see an example of it happening in our own backyard.


The world is in a constant state of forward momentum. Whether it be the technological advancements that allow us to connect with others across the globe instantly or the social progress that allows the LGBTQ+ community to marry those they love. This momentum is far from a steady path, yet with every passing generation and year, societal values are ever changing.

Terror management theory interacts with this tug-of-war for progress in two primary ways. First, it serves as a backbone to why so many are reluctant to accept change, suggesting that people seek familiarity in community and norms when they feel under threat, feeding into discriminatory and conservative values, which in turn keep the flame of agitation alive, forming a feedback loop. Secondly, terror management theory also poses the opposite, that when people feel secure, they are willing to explore new cultural positions. This explains the wave of social progress seen following the industrial revolution. People are wealthier across the board, they have greater access to services and goods that enable this sense of security, ultimately allowing them to broaden their horizons and subscribe to progressive movements such as suffrage and racial equality.

While progress of the mind may be a constant, it faces a hurdle in the actual institution of policy. Those in power are generally those who face the greatest perceived threat to change, being some of the most wealthy and in the ruling demographic. This applies to national governance, but as I learned through my action project work with the UW chapter of the Institution Climate Action coalition, almost every legacy institution feels under threat and relies upon conservatism to maintain feelings of power. In the instance of UW and the ICA, we see a reliance on dirty money from fossil fuel companies.

These systemic layers of power are the primary reason why so many people feel powerless to institute change, and given that those in power are the last to adopt change, it feels like our society is much further behind than it should be.These feelings of powerless were present in our action project as much of the coalitions actions were easily brushed off. While this powerlessness is potent and hard to emotionally overcome, the most important pieces of social progress of modern history have all been led and supported by people without this institutional power, but are still able to stress the importance of progress and achieve their goals.

Systems Thinking, Death, and Love

This class helped me put my actions within a larger context and taught me that death allows me to love the world more deeply. I was part of the Save the Orcas action project where my group and I created Instagram posts for their campaign. Although spending time with my group members and working together towards a common task was fun, I feel that my work did not substantially help the orcas. Even so, as activists, it’s important to celebrate the intermediate steps whenever we feel like we haven’t advanced our goals enough (Mary & Johnstone 223). While I did not feel like I helped orcas, this project taught me how to present information in consumable small bites and how to communicate in a visual manner. In this modern world where information flows at a rapid rate, to catch people’s attention I will need to communicate in an attractive and digestible manner. The result of my action project is not the end point but fits into my larger conservation journey.

One of the quotes that resonated with me the most is in In Praise of Mortality, Barrows and Macy say, “with only a short time remaining to the cities we have built… there is no other act but loving this world more deeply” (10). In the context of death, everything I have and everyone I love will be gone one day. It is because I know that painful time will come that I want to treasure and love them more deeply while I still have the time to. I don’t want to take anything for granted anymore and will treasure what I do have rather than continuously pursue something more. In the context of the Anthropocene where there is geological, atmospheric, and political disorder, perhaps this is exactly the time where I need to love the most. Because it is love that makes me treasure the falling cities at all. Love helps me look through the disorder and reminds me why I am fighting to better the world because I love this world so much in the first place. I will face death with love. I will face the incoming Anthropocene with love.

In the zombie apocalyptic video game “The Last of Us”, the two main characters admire a herd of giraffes that now roam within the fallen city. Journey’s End by Orioto.