PPPA faculty to present their work at LSA meeting in Seattle

Seattle_logo_250_tmThree PPPA faculty will present their work at the Law and Society Association (LSA) annual meeting at the Seattle Westin Hotel, May 28-31, 2015.

With the 2015 theme, Law’s Promise and Law’s Pathos in the Global North and Global South, examining the accomplishments of law in both domestic and transnational contexts, Elizabeth Bruch, Sarah Hampson and Turan Kayaoglu will  present their work and take part in discussions with other scholars. Annual meetings are open to both members and non-members of the LSA.

The topics covered by PPPA faculty include:

Elizabeth Bruch –  Law’s Promise and Pathos in the ‘Field’ – International Human Rights in Humanitarian Intervention

Sarah Hampson –  Will Lifting the Ban Change the Culture? The Promise and Limits of the Pentagon’s Policy Change on Women Serving in Combat Roles

Turan Kayaoglu –  The Islamic Politics of Human Rights at the UN: The Organization of Islamic Cooperation at the United Nations Human Rights Council

For more information on the LSA annual meeting, see the website.