Election Series Kicks Off With Debate Over Sound Transit 3

Proponenst3-8ts and opponents of Sound Transit 3 (ST3) teed off Monday night in a two-hour debate over this November’s ST3 ballot initiative.  The event, held in William Philip Hall. was moderated by newly-hired
professor of economics Justin Beaudoin. It opened with Sound Transit’s Executive Director of Planning Ric Ilgenfritz presenting an overview of Sound Transit’s prior two phases; followed by a description of the proposed third phase:  a $20 billion extension of light rail that would, among other things, connect Tacoma to the SeaTac airport and Seattle. You can watch a youtube video of the event here.

The ST3 debate was the first of a series of sevenst3-2 election-related events that Politics Philosophy and Public Affairs (PPPA), a Division within UWT’s School of Interdisciplinary Arts and Sciences, is
organizing with the Tacoma-Pierce County League of Women Voters.  Go here for a detailed description on the entire series. Special thanks go to students Blake Stagner, Gabriela Raisl, and Berkan Koroglu for their help with this inaugural event.