Karen Lin Interns with Pierce County Council

Economics & Policy Analysis graduate Karen Lin recently completed a summer internship with Pierce County Council (PCC). Karen is the second EPA student to participate in PCC’s new paid summer internship. During Karen’s internship, she worked directly with the County Council and its professional staff.  One of the main projects she worked on was building an inventory for all the housing intervention services throughout Pierce County. Toward the end of her internship, the Council asked her to present this inventory to its committee meeting on homelessness.
During her internship, Karen took advantage of many opportunities made available to her by County staff, such as touring different facilities within the county to better understand the local government.  She also learned about career opportunities with the County. “I am glad to have taken this opportunity to work for the council,” Karen commented.  “It has allowed me to grow as a person and given me the experience of working in government administration.”
Meanwhile, EPA faculty continue to work closely with Pierce County Council, and to extend internship opportunities with it. If interested, contact Prof. Katie Baird (kebaird@uw.edu).