Svetlana Slobodchikova – ‘2015 PPPA Paper Prize’ winner

Svetlana Slobodchikova photoSvetlana Slobodchikova, graduating next month with a double major in PP&E and Accounting, is eager to find out what life after school will be like. Not one to sit around and wait, though, she’s already planning ahead.

“Grad school, for sure,” she said when asked about her future—but she’ll be taking some time off first. Aside from continuing her work at a local accounting firm, she looks forward to spending time with family and friends, and maybe even taking a few “little trips.” With her last quarter in college quickly drawing to a close, she also hopes to find the time for other things she enjoys—like to watching movies and reading a few good books, particularly those by her favorite author, C.S. Lewis.

But once she’s had some time to rest and regroup a little, Slobodchikova will get back to the books, planning to first get an MA in Accounting,  then “a PhD in Economics—or something along those lines.”

“My ultimate goal is to teach,” she said. Asked what subjects she’d like to teach, her answer was an emphatic, “Everything!” She says that the world is full of interesting things, but more than just offering students knowledge or facts, she want to “help guide them. Help build value” that students would take out of the classroom and into the worlds they live in.

“Accounting is fun. I like the principles and mechanisms behind it.”

Slobodchikova’s PP&E capstone paper “Economic Convergence and Income Inequality: Cases of Argentina, Brazil, and China”—for which she won the 2015 PPPA paper prize—considered at the effect of income inequality and economic growth in developing countries. She chose the three nations because she was particularly interested in examining the effects of income inequalities in developing countries, as opposed to those in the western world.

Asked if she had any particular advice on getting the most from your college experience—now that she is about to graduate—to offer students who might be new to UW Tacoma, Slobodchikova thought a minute before she answered.

“Get involved on campus,” she said. “Like extracurricular activities, or working with your professors on projects.” These things “open a lot of doors,” she said, offering great opportunities for learning. “They can be a lot of fun, too!”