Annual PPPA Colloquium held in May

pppa colloquiumThe first weekend of May, PPPA faculty and their families assembled for the 2nd annual PPPA Colloquium. Held at the Red Lion in Port Angeles, the colloquium offered an opportunity for ten PPPA faculty to present their current research and discuss it with their colleagues. Turan Kayaoglu, organizer of last year’s event, stated  “We do not do collaborative work as much as we could. One reason for this is that we don’t know each other’s research. The Research Colloquium helps us identify common research areas.”

Saturday evening, at the conclusion of the event, a colloquium dinner was held, allowing all present to continue the discussion of the day. As you can see by the photo, a good time was had by all!

Faculty presenters and their topics included:

Sarah Hampson, Assistant Professor –

“Rights in the Balance: Rights Consciousness, Rights Claiming and Work/Life Balance Policy in the United States” [Book Proposal]

Michael Forman, Associate Professor –

“The Cosmopolitan Imagination: State, Crisis, and Human Rights in a Globalizing World” [Book Proposal]

Jeramy Gee, Lecturer –

“Forgiveness, Resentment, and Wrongdoing’s Cost”

Eric Bugyis, Lecturer –

“It’s Not Just Common Sense: Rehabilitating Metaphysics and the Concept of ‘Religion’”

Amos Nascimento, Associate Professor –

“From Religious Worldviews to Global Human Rights Discourses”

Will McGuire, Assistant Professor –

“The Behavioral Roots of Payment Vehicle Effects in Environmental Valuation”

Katie Baird, Associate Professor –

“Unfair Pain: The Contribution of Medical Expenses to Poverty and Inequality”

Jane Compson, Assistant Professor –

Speedquest (Pedagogy)

Katie Bugyis, Affiliated Faculty –

“Ministers of Christ: Benedectine Women Religious in Central Medieval England”

Mary Hanneman, Associate Professor –

“The Sun Behind the Sun: Japan and the Formation of the North Korean National Identity”