Students’ Projects on Display in UWT Undergraduate Showcase

Oscar 2On Friday May 27th, students from two PPPA classes displayed class projects at the quarterly UWT Undergraduate Showcase event held in William Philip Hall.  Nearly a dozen students from Prof. Katie Baird’s TPHIL 251 Data and Discourse class presented Posterboards of their project examining alternative ways to measure trends in inequality in the US.

AnotheKate 1r four students from Prof. Baird’s TECON 410 Economics of Public Policy class presented posterboard versions of class essays.  Katherine Daniels (right) analyzed land usage Melissa 3policies in Gig Harbor.  Melissa Amaya (left) examined the impact of Community Truancy Boards.  Annika Nelson argued for labeling all foods containing GMOs, and Doug Nelson wrote about recent controversies over Louisiana’s prison system.  Congratulations to all the participants and kudos on their good work.

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