The UW Tacoma Pre-law Society – revving up for a new year

Marae SlyterThe UW Tacoma Pre-Law Society is starting up again this fall! With new president, Marae Slyter, they are looking forward to a great new year, full of activities and speakers meant to ready Law & Policy majors (and other interested students) to apply to and attend Law School.

Slyter, a double major in Law & Policy and EGL—and a minor in Human Rights—is also President of the Student Theater Acting Guild. “I’ll be really busy this year,” she said. “I’m also interning (since March) for Jeffrey Kradel, a criminal defense attorney in Seattle. I’m a volunteer, but it’s good experience.”

In spite of her busy schedule, Slyter is anxious to see the club draw in more students. Her goal for this year is to offer interested students a greater perspective on the law school experience, particularly those who are would-be lawyers. She’d like to help them to navigate the application process—but mostly wants to make them aware of the resources here at UW Tacoma for pre-law students.

“I had so much support from last year’s Pre-Law Society president,” she said, recalling all she learned about the application process—things that she might have never figured out without help. “I want to help and motivate students through all those little things. There are a lot of factors to take into consideration.”

Slyter went on to say that “our club will give that help to students—helping them make up their minds about becoming a lawyer. To ask themselves, ‘is this for me?’”

And they’ll offer that help within a community of students who hold a common goal of studying the law.

Upcoming events for the Pre-Law Society include a booth at the Student Involvement Fair on September 30th during the noon hour. Slyter hopes anyone interested in Law will stop by to learn more about the club and sign up to receive more information about our activities.

This year, the club is also looking to engage in a number of activities, including:

    • A field trip to a local law school
    • Bringing in outside speakers, including law students, internship coordinators and more!
    • Providing a law school application workshop
    • Providing LSAT prep, test-taking and other support
    • And much more

Faculty Adviser for the Pre-Law Society is Sarah Hampson. Contact her, or Marae Slyter for more information.

Interested in applying to law school?

Pre-Law Party_Flyer (1)Come find out all about the application process! On Friday, May 22nd, 12:30-2 pm in SNO 153, the UWT Pre-Law Society is hosting an important information session about law school applications. Pre-Law Society president Tia Squires will discuss her recent experiences with applying to law schools, and lead a discussion about how to navigate the application process, how to study for LSATs, the costs involved in applying, how to get letters of recommendation, and much more! The Society will also be organizing an LSAT summer study group, so come and get in on the action! Free snacks will also be provided.

PPPA Paper Prize presentation

Please join us Wednesday, May 13th at 12:30 pm in the Lucien Room (GWP 320) as Svetlana Slobodchikova presents her PPPA prize-winning paper “Economic Convergence and Income Inequality: Cases of Argentina, Brazil, and China, ”  written for Prof. Michael Forman’s PP&E capstone class.

We will also be recognizing the rest of the nominees for this annual PPPA honor, including:

Brianna Trafton, “ Breaking the Silence of Atrocity: Navigating the Liminal Space in post-Apartheid  Society” (Prof. Rob Crawford)

Kyle Palmer, “The Secular State Contradiction: How Secular States Fostered Religious Parties” (Prof. Turan Kayaoglu)

Samuel Ranslem, “Domestic Drones: The Politics of Privacy” (Prof. Ann Frost)

Eric Williams, “A Tale of Two Schools” (Prof. Ann Frost)


Mab Huang – guest speaker at Philosophy Roundtable

mab huangimagesProfessor Mab Huang—from Soochow University in Taipei, China—will be at UW Tacoma on Thursday, May 7th, speaking to the Philosophy Roundtable at 5:30 pm in the Lucien Room (GWP 320). He will be talking about “100 Years of Entanglement: Human Rights in China, Taiwan, and the World.” If you are interested in learning more about human rights in China, this is a great opportunity. Please contact Kristie Weishart ( if you plan to attend.


UW Tacoma student and alumni accomplishments

2015 Rangel Scholar – A UW Tacoma first

Omer AdamHuge congratulations to UW Tacoma student Omer Adam–one of fifteen Rangel Scholars nation-wide. He will be spending his summer in Washington D.C. participating in the Rangel International Affairs Summer Program. There, he will learn about current issues in international affairs and acquire valuable skills to prepare him for a career in the field.Omer is most interested in how religion shapes foreign policy and hopes to improve relationships between the US and Muslim countries. Continue reading

‘2015 UW Tacoma Innovate Law Challenge’

IMG_4148In January, Professor Sarah Hampson’s TPOLS 150 Introduction to the American Legal System was pleased to invite Mr. Sands McKinley, a local lawyer and entrepreneur, and founder of the local law firm McKinley Irvin, to speak with her class about the future of law school and the legal profession. As a special challenge for Professor Hampson’s students, McKinley created the 2015 UWT Innovate Law Challenge. This project asked Professor Hampson’s students to answer the question: “How Can the Legal Industry Improve the Delivery of Legal Services in the US?” with proposals that showed an entrepreneurial or innovative approach to the law. Continue reading

UW Law/Law societies and justice Rome program

Study comparative law and politics in Rome – with the UW Law/Law Societies and Justice Rome Program during the early fall start. The Law/LSJ Rome Program is now in its 11th year.

RomeEver wonder why Silvio Berlusconi remained in office after being convicted of crimes?

  • Why Italians are against the death penalty?
  • Whether Europeans have more privacy rights than Americans?


When: August 20 through September 18 – you can extern or work before studying abroad. Continue reading

A new twist on an old course

Human_Rights_International_Barnstar_HiresTPHIL 200 – Introduction to the Philosophy of Human Rights (Spring 2015)

As it always has, TPHIL 200 introduces diverse philosophical views on humanity, good, rights, universality and other concepts that have influenced our current understanding of human rights. It provides an overview of basic concepts in these areas, relating them to selected philosophical schools and thinkers, and discusses how they impact contemporary initiatives on human rights. However, during spring quarter 2015, we will focus on current writings on the philosophy of human rights and cosmopolitanism, particularly on the writings of contemporary German philosopher, Rainer Forst. Students will then engage in a direct dialogue with Forst during his visit to the University of Washington in April. Continue reading