Resident Life

A Day in the Life

Resident #1 – Adult Track


Wake up b/t 5:30-6:30am depending on rotation, eat breakfast, travel to rotation to arrive by 7:45am, see pts (on outpatient rotation), do rounds (on inpatient rotation), or do rounds and see consult (on consults).

Eat lunch 12:00-1:00, see patients (on outpatient rotation), lead a group and see 1-2 pts (on inpatient rotation), or do rounds and see consult (on consults).

Leave work at 5pm, travel home, work out, eat dinner, hang out with friends or watch TV.


Sleep until I wake up, eat breakfast, work out.

Eat lunch, hang out with friends.

Resident #2 – Adult Track


6:30 ish – wake up, shower, make latte to enjoy on the way to work

7:15 ish – leave for work (if walking to HMC from Capital Hill, I left a bit later, around 7:30)

8:00 ish – arrive at work, go with the flow

12:00-1:00 lunch, which I often used to catch up on emails/personal errands but once a week I tried to do something nice (bring a book to read, go somewhere pretty to eat, go for a walk)

5:00 – leave work

6:00 – home, make dinner, relax with Netflix or a book

7:00-9:00 – two-three days a week I went to fitness classes (barre, hiphop, yoga), other days were deliberately left free to enjoy however I wanted


Could include individual supervision, CORP patients, neuropsych seminar, research time, burn clinic

*consults anytime

Rounds, individual/group supervision, burn clinic, didactics, CORP

*consults anytime

Finishing up notes, cooking dinner, additional research hours, spending time with family/happy hour

Resident #1 – Behavioral Medicine / Rehabilitation Neuropsychology – Burns, CORP


Could include individual supervision, CORP patients, neuropsych seminar, research time, burn clinic

*consults anytime

Rounds, individual/group supervision, burn clinic, didactics, CORP

*consults anytime

Finishing up notes, cooking dinner, additional research hours, spending time with family/happy hour


Additional research time, walking around neighborhood, coffee shop

Grocery shopping, cooking, exercising

Visiting a friend, dinner at a new restaurant

Resident #2 – Behavioral Medicine / Rehabilitation Neuropsychology – Burns, Pediatrics


Get to work around 8:30

Chart review on current patients that I’m seeing

Attend Rounds

Have lunch/do notes (about once a week I try to have lunch with fellow residents outside the office)

Attend Burns/Peds Clinic


Catch bus anywhere between 5-6, depending on how busy things are

Resident #1 – Child Track


Wake up at 6:30am, go for walk or jog with dog, into work sometime between 8am-9:00am, review charts/daily schedule, supervision, see patients

Continue to see patients (anywhere from 2-5 patients/sessions per day depending on the rotation), write notes/charting, leave work between 4:30-6pm.

Home usually by 5:30pm, walk dog, cook dinner, spend time with family.

Resident #2 – Child Track


Get to work, print schedule, huddle see patients.

Travel all around the medical floors; talk to staff; meet awesome kids; maybe pass Macklemore in the hall.

Blink, it’s lunch time.

Documentation! Return pages all day. Blink, it’s time to go home.

Netflix while eating bowls of ice cream.


Run! Yoga! Netflix!

Honestly? Netflix.

Dinner with friends.

Resident #3 – Child Track PBMU


Wake up around 6, breakfast and coffee, walk to work, in by 8. Morning is chart reviews and huddle,

kid/parent meetings and maybe supervision. Lunch at my desk at somepoint. Generally done before 5

Work out at UW Gym or go to yoga. Dinner/happy hour with folks. Life chores.

Resident #1 – Child Track Consultation Liaison


Up around 6:30, eat and walk to work, in by 8:30.

Day is very unpredictable. On busy days, dash from intake to intake and try to write notes quickly in between. On slow days, make sure I have my dissertation draft with me so I can be doing something productive. Done anywhere between 5 and 7 (usually about 5:30)

Work out at UW Gym or go to yoga. Dinner/happy hour with folks. Life chores.

Resident #1 – Child Track Neuropsychology


Up around 7, generally in by 9. On neuro days often have a morning meeting (phone interview with family, consents), then spend remainder of morning working on reports.

On outpatient days mornings are meetings/supervisions.

Afternoons are usually supervision and meetings/didactics. On outpatient days afternoons are clinical work. Done anywhere between 5 and 7:30 depending on day of the week.

Work out at UW Gym or go to yoga. Dinner/happy hour with folks. Life chores.