Jim Cronan – PhD Student (On Leave)

Education: BS, University of Vermont, 1999, MFS, Yale School of Forestry & Environmental Studies, 2006.
Work Experience: Research Scientist, University of Washington, Forestry Technician, US Forest Service, Environmental Technician, ATC Associates.
Research: Documenting effects of seasonality on the re-growth and accumulation of fuels in longleaf pine flatwoods following prescribed fire. This goal will be achieved by measuring post-fire fuel dynamics at twenty sites for two years following prescribed fires at each site.  Continued development of Fuel Dynamics Model (FDM). FDM is a landscape fire succession model that provides spatially explicit simulations of stand-level processes for landscapes at decadal to centennial scales. FDM evaluates the response of landscape-level fuel characteristics and fire hazard to a different combination of fire regimes and management scenarios in the Okanogan-Wenatchee National Forest.