Tmthspusmen Wilder

Education: BS Forestry and BS Environmental Science, Salish Kootenai College, 2010
Work Experience: 10 years in Natural Resources including: Research Assistant, UW; Student Assistant, UW/USFS – PWFSL; Field Research Assistant, UCUT – Wildlife Monitoring and Evaluation Program, Biology Technician, CSKT – Wildlife Management
Research: Assessing forest health across different management regimes using structure and vegetative compositions, in east slope Cascade forests of Washington. Over the past century, the Western United States has experienced vast land use change.  This change has come from many practices (e.g. agriculture, urbanization, mining).  The focus of this research project is to identify how fire/fuels management and logging policy and implementation has affected forest structure and cover compositions of similar watersheds from different ownerships.  The forest structure and cover data will be used as model inputs to assess forest health variables including: crown fire potential, fire severity, western spruce budworm vulnerability, dwarf mistletoe vulnerability, and wildlife habitat quality.  The study areas include watersheds from the Yakama Tribal Forest and the Okanogan-Wenatchee National Forest, Naches District.