About Us

Committee Members

Click on any committee member to learn more about them.

Executive Committee

Extended Committee

How to join

Interested in joining our team?

A call for nominations or volunteers to serve on the committee starting with the first full committee meeting of the new year will be sent out in September. With the exception of the Graduate Representative, committee members must have, or will have by the start of their tenure, a PhD in nuclear physics or related field. Please contact us at risingresearchers@uw.edu if you are interested in serving on the committee.

Elections will be held at the fall meeting. For more details on available positions and the election process see our charter.


Code of Conduct

The Rising Researchers Seminar Series is committed to creating an environment which is welcoming and safe for all speakers, attendees, organizers, and other affiliated persons, hereinafter “participants”.
It is the responsibility of all participants to foster such an environment.

Participants shall treat each other professionally and respectfully.
Participants shall refrain from any inappropriate behaviour, including discriminatory actions and comments based on individual characteristics such as age, race, ethnicity, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, marital status, nationality, immigration status, political affiliation, ability status, or educational background.
Disruptive or harassing behavior will not be tolerated including but not limited to inappropriate or intimidating language and unwelcome jokes or comments.

Violations of this code of conduct should be reported to any member of the executive committee (see above).
The Executive committee may also act of their own accord should they notice violations.
Sanctions may range from verbal warning, to ejection from the meeting or, in severe cases, partial or total bans from future meetings.

References: This code of conduct is based heavily on that of the INT  and the APS. We are also grateful to Roxanne Springer for valuable discussion and guidance.