Candidates may be nominated by anyone familiar with their research, but nominations are not required to apply. Nominated candidates will be invited to apply and a note will be added to their application indicating they were nominated.
To nominate a speaker, please fill out this form:
To apply to be a speaker, please fill out this form:
All applicants will be asked to provide an abstract for their proposed talk, a short statement about the motivation for their research within the broader context of nuclear physics, and number of talks. Abstract and motivation should be aimed at a general nuclear theory audience. For any questions or comments, please contact us at
Speakers will be chosen by the selection committee based on the quality of the applicant’s research. The applications will be reviewed on a quarterly cycle. Upcoming application deadlines are shown below. Any application submitted before the deadline will be considered. Applications received after the deadline will be considered for the following cycle.
- 2025: Second (Spring) Quarter
- Nomination Deadline: Midnight Pacific time on Jan. 19, 2025
- Application Deadline: Midnight Pacific time on Jan. 26, 2025
- 2025: Second (Spring) Quarter
The committee is committed to ensuring equal opportunity for all researchers regardless of race, ethnicity or gender. To this end, applicants will be asked to provide demographic information (optional and anonymously) which will be used only as part of an internal review aimed at eliminating conscious or unconscious bias in the selection process. Collected information will not be shared with anyone outside of the executive committee.
Additional information about the selection process can be found in the Rising Researchers Seminar Series charter.