Wenyang Qian

Wenyang Qian
Wenyang Qian,
University of Santiago de Compostela
June 6th, 2023

About me:
I am Wenyang Qian, originally from Nanjing, China. I received my Ph.D. in 2020 under my advisor Professor James Vary at Iowa State University, and I am now a postdoc working with Professor Carlos Salgado at Instituto Galego de Fisica de Altas Enerxias (IGFAE) of the University of Santiago de Compostela. My doctoral research focuses on the understanding of hadronic structures using light-front Hamiltonian formalism, where I studied meson spectroscopy and observables. With the rapid development of quantum computing technologies, I have been working on solving bound-state and time-dependent problems using quantum devices. In particular, my recent research focused on the application of the quantum simulation algorithm to study jet-medium interactions.

Inspire HEP

Seminar Title:
Quantum simulation of jet evolution in a medium

Seminar Date:
June 6th, 2023

QCD jets provide one of the best avenues to extract information about the quark-gluon plasma produced in ultra-relativistic heavy ion collisions, where quantum simulation can be a useful tool to study jet evolution directly. In this work, based on the light-front Hamiltonian formalism, we construct a digital quantum circuit that tracks the evolution of a single hard probe in the presence of a stochastic color background and obtain quenching parameters using classical simulators. The focus of this work was put on understanding the diffusion of a single parton interacting with the Color-glass condensate background field of two colors. In terms of the jet quenching parameter, the results obtained using classical simulators of ideal quantum computers agree with known analytical results. With this study, we hope to provide a baseline for future in-medium jet physics studies using quantum computers.