Remote Sensing & Geospatial Analysis Laboratory

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI)

RSGAL’s Commitment to Supporting DEI

RSGAL is dedicated to increasing the retention and success of underrepresented minorities in geosciences.  Without diversity of skills, thought, and experiences, we lessen our ability to ask important questions and solve problems. Our goal in RSGAL is to provide a safe and equitable environment, to create and maintain a culture of support and inclusion, and to celebrate and use our differences to better our science and science engagement efforts. We urge those from underserved and underrepresented minority backgrounds to apply to work in RSGAL, a lab founded by a first-generation political refuge, working mother from a non-traditional background, striving to offer the support, mentorship, experience, and inspiration needed to succeed in geosciences.
To demonstrate this commitment our actions include:
  • Supporting each other in DEI focused activism
  • Engaging in DEI focused conversation, education and training
  • Providing DEI themed peer-mentorship for RSGAL members

updated Dec. 2019