SAFS Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Blog

October 21, 2022

Happy Diwali!

Today marks the start of Diwali, one of the biggest holidays celebrated in India. Diwali (or Deepavali, as it is sometimes spelled) is a festival of lights that symbolizes the triumph of light over darkness. It is a major celebration in Hinduism, Sikhism, and Jainism, and it is also a popular cultural celebration for many folks of Indian heritage, regardless of their religious beliefs. The festival of Diwali is celebrated for five or six days, but height of the festival is the third day, which this year falls on Monday, October 24.

For Diwali, celebrants fill their homes with light, stringing up electric lights or setting out dozens of traditional oil lamps (called diyas). It is an occasion to decorate, dress up, light fireworks, and feast on delicious food with family and friends. It is an opportunity to renew social and community bonds: children visit their elders, business close so employees can be with their families, and community members gather together to share gifts and eat together. If you would like to learn more about Diwali and how it is celebrated, you can find more information here.

This year, Seattle Center is hosting Diwali: Lights of India on October 22 as part of the Festál series. About the event: “In addition to entertainment featuring nationally- and internationally known artists with participatory and educational content, you will also enjoy classical, contemporary and folk Indian dances and other musical and dance entertainment produced and presented by youth. Diwali: Lights of India will also feature a flower mandala (rangoli) decorative arrangement on the floor, Indian chai corner, henna booth, spice making, face painting, flower garland making, decorating cookies, roti making, mixing of aromatherapy oils, and many more hands-on activities suitable for all ages. Offering delicious free vegetarian food, the festival promises to engage, entertain and inform attendees of all ages and cultural backgrounds.” This event is free and open to the public.

SAFS wishes a very happy Diwali to all who celebrate!