
Geog 258: Digital Geographies

Geog 360/560: Principles of GIS Mapping 

Geog 469: GIS Workshop 

Geog 490: The Seattle Region

Geog 522: Space, Technologies & Society

Geog 578: Theorizing the City

My undergraduate and graduate courses focus on spatial technologies and urban geographies, with emphasis on impoverishment, and feminist, critical race, and queer theory. My teaching is rooted in a commitment to experiential learning and collaboration as ways that students can carry out intellectually and socially significant scholarship. I incorporate peer-based teaching and learning with spatial technologies, student-designed course readers, ethnographic data collection, student-designed field research, and mapping collaborations with community partners. I strive to build inclusive spaces for learning that allow students of many identities, learning styles, and educational backgrounds to integrate their classroom activities, research interests, and lived experience, and I participate in efforts to support first generation college students, students of color, GLBTQ students, returning veterans, and adult scholars. As educators, our most important work lies in facilitating our students’ efforts to create meaningful change in a complicated world.