About and Contact

Contact us

Please email seruw@uw.edu or contact us on Instagram with questions.


Erik Ertsgaard

President, Heron Haven Site Manager

I am a senior in Environmental Science & Resource Management who hopes to research plant ecology as a career. Outside of the classroom, I enjoy backpacking, botanizing, birding, and reading!

Zara Ramerman

Communications Officer

I’m studying environmental science and am especially interested in plant biology, horticulture, and environmental education. For SER, I run our social media and email list, and I really enjoy how hands-on the work parties are. I can also be found cooking, making art, and going on long walks in the sunshine.

Brian Darst

Site Manager, Burke-Gilman Site

I’m a PhD student in Molecular Engineering studying how to engineer microbes for a greener future. In my free time I enjoy cooking, foraging, photography, and backpacking!

Joshua Kim

Site Manager, Hansee Site

I’m a senior majoring in environmental science with a particular interest in botany, ecological horticulture, and ecological restoration. I’m also the student assistant for the SER-UW Native Plant Nursery.

Drew Blackwell


Environmental science. Conducts SERs monitoring efforts and is interested in remediation and restoration. Climbs, bikes, and plays guitar during my free time.

Abby Anderson

Site Manager, Strawberry Site

I’m a master’s student in Bioengineering and do T cell engineering work in my lab. I’m excited to get fresh air leading a site for SER this year! In my spare time I crochet, go for walks, and play video games.

Ali Pettey

Site Manager, Yesler Swamp

I am an environmental science student graduating this fall quarter. I love to work outside and learn about the native species of the pacific northwest.

Kirsten Graham

Site Manager, Paccar

I am a Master’s student studying Computer Science. When I am not staring at a computer, I enjoy digging in the dirt and going for walks to look at ducks. I hope to see you at a future work party!

UW Chapter History

The Society for Ecological Restoration University of Washington Chapter (SERUW) was founded in 2008 by graduate student Lauren Urgensen. We are proud to be the first Student Guild established in the nation.