Yesler Swamp and UBNA Willows

We are expanding our reach to the Union Bay Natural Area where we are removing Himalayan blackberry from an area of the wetland that’s being replanted with hybrid willows. These trees have been selected for their ability to uptake contaminants and are intended to grow in a thicket to provide bird habitat and aid in the clean-up of this capped landfill-turned-wetland.

Close by, in Yesler Swamp, our volunteers are working on the mitigation units in the compensatory mitigation plan for the negative impacts on wetlands as a result the construction of the boardwalk through Yesler Swamp. This is a scrub shrub wetland, and the initial restoration plan was implemented in 2017. This site is still being actively managed and monitored by SER-UW and the SER Nursery.