Capstone Projects

Looking for a fun and exciting capstone to fulfill your graduation requirements? Well, look no further! The SER-UW is open to hosting capstone projects throughout the school year. While we specialize in restoration related projects, we are also able to coordinate with UW faculty to get you on track with a variety of other projects. Your interests could be in wildlife conservation, plant biology, landscape design, geography, wetlands, GIS, or any abundance of related fields; simply contact us to let us know your ideas and we can help you make your idea a reality!

Take a look at our “Current Projects” pages to see what sort of work we have done in the past. While these projects were mainly volunteer based, we can certainly turn a restoration site into a capstone worthy project. Past capstones projects through SER included a relatively large-scale restoration project on campus and research on long-toed salamanders using one of our sites. Contact us at to express your interest or contact Julianna Hoza, our current President, to learn about her experience with our capstone program.