Heron Haven is often considered the flagship site of SER because of its large size and inspiring restoration success story. The site was originally founded in 2019 by undergraduate Nikoli Stevens and was named Heron Haven because of its history as a Great Blue Heron rookery.

When Nikoli founded the site, English ivy had taken hold. This invasive species had carpeted the forest floor, choked out native shrubs, and climbed trees, eventually killing them by blocking sunlight and weighing them down. Since then, Nikoli and later generations of site managers have removed the ivy and replaced it with native understory plants, making Heron Haven the beautiful natural area it is today. While there has been no record of Great Blue Herons returning to the site, we use it as a reminder as to why we still look after this site. It serves as a refuge for animals on campus, and as a place to learn and reconnect with nature for students.
Meeting location (Google Maps)
Heron Haven is located in the forested area east of the Chemistry Building and north of Anderson Hall. We meet in the grassy area next to the toolbox on the east side of the main asphalt path, but if you come late we may be anywhere within this large site. Just look for the people weeding ivy or planting plants!