UW CNC CoNectome

The UW Computational Neuroscience Center will hold their annual symposium, CoNectome, on May 13-14, 2024.   They are seeking nominations for trainee speaker and opening the call up to the full CNC community.  Trainee talks are typically 15-20 minutes, and the majority will be on Monday, May 13. Any UW student or postdoc is eligible. Self-nominations are allowed and encouraged! In addition to talks, there will be a poster session on May 13.

To submit a nomination, please complete this form.

UW Neuroethics Journal Club

The UW Neuroethics Journal Club will hold their next Tuesday at 2:30-3:30 in UW Life Sciences Building 301! Discussion wll focus on this paper about BCIs and agency with Sara Goering, a leader of the Neuroethics group at the UW. This is a great chance to get involved with neuroethics at the UW, and is geared towards students of any level.

Tuesday, February 13th
2:30 – 3:30 pm
LSB 301
pizza provided

NeuroHackademy 2024: Call for applications

Applications to participate in NeuroHackademy 2024 are now available.

This two-week hands-on workshop will be held in a hybrid format, July 29th- August 10th, 2024 at the University of Washington in Seattle, Washington, USA, and online.

NeuroHackademy is an opportunity for participants to learn state-of-the-art methods for the analysis and management of large human neuroscience datasets while also networking and working with domain experts and each other on concrete neuroscience problems. The curriculum emphasizes large datasets of publicly available data (such as the Human Connectome Project, OpenNeuro, etc.), and on the value of making human neuroscience research open and reproducible.

NeuroHackademy sessions in the first week will include lectures and tutorials on data science, machine learning, data visualization, and data resources, as well as extended Q&A sessions. The second week will be devoted primarily to participant-directed activities: guided work on team projects, hackathon sessions, and breakout sessions on topics of interest. Participants will have an opportunity to present their own work in a session that will take place in the second week of the event.

This event will be held in a hybrid format, with options to attend in-person in Seattle, or online. Participants attending online will join the event through multiple online channels, including zoom-casts of lectures and breakout sessions, Slack conversations, and collaboration through GitHub and through the course’s online Juptyerhub.

For more details and a preliminary list of instructors, see: https://neurohackademy.org/

We are now accepting applications to participate at: https://neurohackademy.org/apply/

Ideally, applicants should have some prior experience with programming and with neuroscience data analysis, but we welcome applications from participants with a variety of relevant backgrounds. For frequently asked questions, please refer to this page: https://neurohackademy.org/frequently-asked-questions/

Accepted applicants will be asked to pay a fee of $250 (in person) / $25 (online) upon final registration. Fees cover housing and two meals per day for in person participants.

Important dates:

April 15th, application deadline

May 6th, notification of acceptance

May 20th, final registration deadline

July 29th – August 10th: NeuroHackademy