Selected Other Presentations
Sheryl Burgstahler
Tech talk: 30 years of IT accessibility (with Terrill Thompson and Hadi Rangin). Webinar hosted by UW-IT, University of Washington, July 2020.
Tips about accessibility for online learning instructors. Webinar hosted by 3Play Media, May 2020.
Tips about accessibility for online learning instructors. Webinar hosted by 3Play Media, May 2020.
Designing an accessible online course: What designers and instructors need to know. Webinar hosted by Innovative Educators, April 2020.
How to address accessibility/universal design issues in computing research. CSUN, 2019.
Teaching accessibility topics in computing curriculum (with Terrill Thompson). Accessing Higher Ground, CO, November 2019.
Universal design of instruction. Presentation in graduate course in administration of higher education, UW, Seattle, October 2019.
Overview of accessibility issues for online learning for different stakeholders. Online Learning Capacity Building Institute. University of Washington, May 2019.
Universal design. Accessibility and Inclusive Design Masterclass, University of Washington, April 2019.
Designing an online course that is accessible to all students: Guidelines for faculty. Technology and Persons with Disabilities CSUN conference, San Diego, CA, March 2019.
We don’t have enough staff to promote accessible IT. Accessing Higher Ground, November 2018.
Growing an IT accessibility program (2-day pre conference workshop) (with Dawn Hunziker, Rob Eveleigh, Nate Evans). Accessing Higher Ground Conference, Westminster, CO, November 2018.
Universal design of instruction, technology, physical spaces. College of Education, University of Washington, April 2018.
Best practices for recruiting & supporting participants with disabilities and ensuring accessibility in NSF Engineering Research Centers webinar (with Scott Bellman), March 2018.
UD and other accessible design approaches. Presentation in Designing the Future of Learning graduate course, October 2017.
Tips for instructors on how to make their online courses accessible. Pac Rim Conference on Disability and Diversity, Honolulu, HI, October 2017.
Universal design in higher education. Nanyang Technology University, Singapore, October 2017.
Universal design: enhancing excellence through inclusion. Amherst College, Amherst, MA, September 2017.
Making video accessible at the University of Washington (with Doug Hayman, Terrill Thompson). 3Play Media webinar, September 2017.
How design frameworks and models have informed my work. Ed-ICT Symposium: Disabled Students, ICT, Post-Compulsory Education and Employment: In Search of New Solutions, Seattle, WA, March 2017.
Universal design: An inclusive approach. University of San Diego, webinar, September 2017.
Designing accessible online learning: What an instructor needs to know. AccessCyberlearning Webinar, November 2016.
Promoting the UD Paradigm on campus- Everywhere (with A. Beaver). Accessing Higher Ground Conference, Boulder, CO, November 2016.
What one school learned from DOJ/OCR rulings at other institutions (with Terril Thompson). Accessing Higher Ground Conference, Boulder, CO, November 2016.
ADA compliance: Lessons learned from postsecondary campuses and an online learning publisher (with M. LaGrow). EDUCAUSE, Anaheim, CA, October 2016.
E-Learning accessibility: What does an instructor need to know? Webinar AHEAD, September 2016.
E-Learning accessiblity: What does an instructor need to know? NW Elearn, Eugene, OR, March 2016.
Promoting universal design campus-wide. Paper presented at Technology and Persons with Disabilities CSUN conference, San Diego, CA, March 2016.
DO-IT collaborations in Asia. Paper presented at Technology and Persons with Disabilities CSUN conference, San Diego, CA, March 2016.
Working to ensure this and next generation online learning tools and practices are accessible (with Hadi Rangin). Paper presented at Technology and Persons with Disabilities CSUN conference, San Diego, CA, March 2016.
Accessible IT and UD overview (and CBI facilitator). Accessible IT Capacity Building Institute on Accessible IT in Washington State, Seattle, WA, February 2016.
E-Learning accessibility: What does an Instructor need to know? Teaching and Learning with Technology webinar, December 2015.
AccessEngineering: Strategies to support individuals with disabilities pursuing careers in engineering (with M. Cakmak, K. Steele, Brianna Blaser). Society of Women Engineers webinar, December 2015.
Facilitation of universal design in education. Accessing Higher Ground conference, Boulder, CO, November 2015.
Implementing universal and inclusive design for online learning accessibility. 3Play Media webinar, November 2015.
When the DoJ/OCR makes a visit: Campus leaders discuss lessons learned in resolving complaints about inaccessible IT (with D. Davis, J. Sedgley). Accessing Higher Ground conference, Boulder, CO, November 2015.
E-Learning accessibility: What does an Instructor need to know? (with Hadi Rangin). Accessing Higher Ground conference, Boulder, CO, November 2015.
Designing accessible online learning. Presentation at NW eLearning Conference, Olympia, WA, October 2015.
Incorporating information about UD and accessibility into engineering courses (with M. Cakmak, K. Steele, Brianna Blaser). Society of Women Engineers webinar, August 2015.
Dear instructor: How to avoid erecting barriers to e-Learning. Paper presented at the PacRim Conference on Disabilities and Diversity. Honolulu, HI, May 2015.
Accessibility and compliance of online learning. Webinar hosted by University of Washington. Seattle, WA, May 2015.
UD overview (and CBI facilitator). AccessEngineering Capacity Building Institute. Seattle, WA, April 2015.
Accessibility training for online educators (with Hadi Rangin). Paper presented at the EASI webinar, April 2015.
Addressing institutional challenges to providing accessible digital content (with J. Ruttenberg, J. Lazar). Panel presented at Consortium for Networked Information. Seattle, WA, April 2015.
Accessibility training for online educators (with Hadi Rangin, K. Greear). Paper presented at the CSUN Conference on Technology and Disabilities. San Diego, CA, March 2015.
Accessible IT and UD overview (and CBI facilitator). Accessible IT Capacity Building Institute on Accessible IT in Washington State, Seattle, WA, February 2015.
Accommodations and universal design. Paper presented at the AccessCS10K Capacity-Building Institute. Baltimore, MD, January 2015.
Increasing the successful participation of students with disabilities in STEM. 2014 Science, Technology, Education, and Mathematics Conference. Honolulu, HI, June 2014.
Collaborative efforts in Asia (with M. Iwabuchi). Paper presented at Technology and Persons with Disabilities CSUN conference, San Diego, CA, March 2014.
Students with disabilities, university education, and success: How do we get there? Paper presented at the Claro Learning Conference. United Kingdom, June 2013.
Presentation dos and don’ts (planning to deliver a presentation like Steve Jobs, but knowing that no one can give a presentation like Steve Jobs did). Presentation at the University of Washington. Seattle, May 2013 and December 2012.
Assistive technology and accessible technology design (with Richard Ladner). Presentation delivered at the Capacity Building Institute, Landmark College. Putney, VT, April 2013.
Universal design in education. Presentation delivered at the Capacity Building Institute, Landmark College. Putney, VT, April 2013.
IT accessibility: Policies, procedures, and practices in higher education. Paper presented at Center for Disabilities, CSU-Northridge. San Diego, CA, March 2013.
Case studies: Universal design in education (with Terrill Thompson, D. Marghitu). Paper presented for Center for Disabilities, CSU-Northridge. San Diego, CA, March 2013.
Making classes more welcoming and accessible to students with disabilities (with Richard Ladner). Presented at SACNAS Annual Conference. Seattle, WA, October 2012.
Web and information technology accessibility: From the basics to institutional policy (with Terrill Thompson, Lyla Crawford). Paper presented at the Association for Higher Education and Disability. New Orleans, LA, July 2012.
Models of disability and universal design. Paper presented at the Boston Science Museum. Boston, MA, May 2012.
Universal Design in Higher Education. Paper presented at Ohio University. Athens, OH, May 2012.
Broadening participation in computing. Paper presented at the National Science Foundation. Washington, DC, February 2012.
Students with disabilities in STEM careers and universal design of instruction. Paper presented at Tennessee Technological University, June 2011.
Universal design of instruction: From principles to practice. Paper presented at the AHEAD Conference. Galveston, TX, June 2011.
DO-IT in Japan (with K. Nakamura). Paper presented at Technology and Persons with Disabilities, California State University. Northridge, CA, March 2008.
University of Washington: A case study in accessible technology in education. Technology and Persons with Disabilities, California State University. Northridge, CA, March 2008.
Accessibility of higher education websites in the Northwestern US: Current status and response to third party outreach. International Conference on Technology-based Learning with Disabilities. Dayton, OH, July 2007.
Applications of universal design in education. Paper presented at International PacRim Conference on Disabilities. Honolulu, HI, March 2007.
College access for students with disabilities: Campus-wide accessibility indicators. Paper presented at International PacRim Conference on Disabilities. Honolulu, HI, March 2007.
Opening doors: Mentoring on the Internet (with Scott Bellman). Paper presented at Technology and Persons with Disabilities, California State University. Northridge, CA, March 2007.
Research on accessibility of higher education (with Terrill Thompson. Paper presented at Technology and Persons with Disabilities, California State University. Northridge, CA, March 2007.
Access to assistive technology and accessible technology in the United States. Keynote address at first Nationwide Assistive Technology Conference for Educational Leaders. India, November 2006.
College, careers, independent living, and leadership: What you can do now to prepare for success. Paper presented at Hiroshima University, Japan, & University of Tokyo, Japan, August 2006.
Accommodations, universal design e-mentoring, self-determination, research to practice. Series of presentations to education leaders from South Korea. Seattle, July 2006.
Universal design in education: From principles to practice. Paper presented at the International PacRim Conference on Disabilities. Honolulu, HI, March 2006.
Increasing the representation of people with disabilities in STEM careers: From research to practice. Paper presented at East Regional Alliance. Portland, ME, October 2005.
Making career services accessible to all students. Paper presented at Kansas and Missouri conference for directors of career services. Kansas City, MO, October 2005.
Technology accessibility policies in higher education EDUCAUSE panel, October 2004.
AT, IT, UD, … How can you find your way through the jargon jungle and leave no child behind? Paper presented at Technology Innovation in Education (TIE) Conference. Sioux Falls, SD, April 2004.
The balancing act: Universal design and accommodation. Paper presented at the E-Learning: Universal Design, Universal Access, Universal Design for Learning Conference, LA Board of Regents and telecast throughout the state. Baton Rouge, LA, April 2004.
Web accessibility: Promising practices at postsecondary institutions (with A. Anderson, J. Slatin). Paper presented at Technology and Persons with Disabilities, California State University. Northridge, CA, March 2004.
Making distance learning accessible (with L. Harrison, M. Hricko). Paper presented at EASI teleconference, February 2004.
Making distance learning courses accessibility to students with disabilities (with J. McCarter). Paper presented at International conference on Asynchronous Learning Networks (ALN). Orlando, FL, November 2003.
Why and how to create an accessible online learning environment (with Terrill Thompson). Paper presented at EDUCAUSE. Anaheim, CA, November 2003.
Assistive technology, universal design, and the digital divide. Paper presented at the SE DBTAC (Disability Business and Technical Assistance Center) Educational Leadership Initiative partner meeting. Atlanta, GA, October 2003.
Accommodations vs universal design. Paper presented at Joliet Junior College. Joliet, IL, August 2003.
The role of technology in improving career outcomes for individuals with disabilities. Paper presented at Technology Capacity Building Institute, National Center for the Study of Postsecondary Educational Supports, and the National Center for Secondary Education and Transition. Seattle, WA, April 2003.
Beyond Web accessibility: Technology accessibility policies in higher education (with Terrill Thompson, R. Stewart, E. Jones). Paper presented at Technology and Persons with Disabilities, California State University. Northridge, CA, March 2003.
Developing policy for making distance learning programs accessible to everyone. Paper presented at Technology and Persons with Disabilities, California State University. Northridge, CA, March 2003.
Research on Web accessibility in higher education (with Terrill Thompson and Dan Comden). Paper presented at Technology and Persons with Disabilities, California State University. Northridge, CA, March 2003.
The role of technology in improving career outcomes for individuals with disabilities. Paper presented at Capacity Building Institute, National Center for the Study of Postsecondary Educational Supports, and the National Center for Secondary Education and Transition.Waikiki, HI, February 2003.
Accessible design of distance learning courses. Paper presented at a national teleconference. Dallas, TX, October 2002.
Designing distance learning courses that are accessible to everyone. Paper presented at California Association for Higher Education and Disability. San Francisco, CA, October 2002.
Making distance learning accessible to students with disabilities. Paper presented at Association for Higher Education and Disability (AHEAD). Washington, DC., July 2002.
The role of technology in improving postsecondary academic and career outcomes for students with disabilities. Paper presented at a policy summit hosted by the National Center for the Study of Postsecondary Educational Supports and the National Center for Secondary Education and Transition. Washington, DC, July 2002.
Train-the-Trainer Preconference Workshop: Teaching faculty to more fully include students with disabilities. Paper presented at Association for Higher Education and Disability (AHEAD). Washington, DC, July 2002.
Assistive technology and universal design. Paper presented at a national teleconference, University of Vermont. Burlington, VT, March 2002.
Access to technology: Where have we been? Where are we now? Where are we going? Keynote address at Universal Access statewide conference hosted by Temple University. Harrisburg, PA.
Accommodating students with disabilities and providing access to assistive technology on postsecondary campuses in the United States. Paper presented in Kyoto, Japan, November 2001.
Burgstahler, S., Stodden, R., & Vogel, S. (2001, November). The role of faculty in improving postsecondary outcomes for students with disabilities. Paper presented at the Fund for the Improvement of Postsecondary Education conference, November 2001.
Bridging the digital divide. Paper presented at SIGUCCS (Special interest group for computer services providers in postsecondary institutions). Portland, OR, October 2001.
Providing professional development to faculty regarding the inclusion of students with disabilities. Paper presented at Connecticut Association for Higher Education and Disability (AHEAD). Hartford, CT, October 2001.
The role of parents in the transition of students with disabilities to postsecondary education. Paper presented at a national teleconference sponsored by National Transition Alliance, August 2001.
Roles of technology in preparing youth with disabilities for postsecondary education and employment. Paper presented at National Capacity Building Institute Focused upon Preparing Youth with Disabilities for Successful Participation in Postsecondary Education and Employment. Portland, OR, July 2001.
Training faculty to more fully include students with disabilities. Paper presented at Association for Higher Education and Disability (AHEAD). Portland, OR, July 2001.
Career preparation through work-based learning: Students with disabilities find success in high tech fields. Paper presented at Technology and Persons with Disabilities, California State University. Northridge, CA, March 2001.
Transition from two- to four-year schools for students with disabilities, Exemplary student support model: DO-IT (J. Acosta). Paper presented at Pac Rim Conference on Disability. Honolulu, HI, March 2001.
Accessible distance learning. Paper presented at the Association for Higher Education. Tampa, FL, February 2001.
Camp: Beyond summer. Paper presented at Closing the Gap. Minneapolis, MN, October 2000.
Transition from two- to four-year schools for students with disabilities. Paper presented at Association for Higher Education and Disability, June 2000.
Career preparation through work-based learning: Students with disabilities find success in high tech fields. Paper presented at Technology and Persons with Disabilities, California State University. Northridge, CA, March 2000.
Distance learning and persons with disabilities (with R. Radtke). Paper presented at WebNet World Conference on World Wide Web and the Internet. Honolulu, HI, October 1999.
Introducing teachers to the Net: How to DO-IT. Paper presented at National Education Computing Conference (NECC). Atlantic City, NJ, June 1999.
Use of the Internet with young learners (with T. Burgstahler). Paper presented at the Infant and Early Childhood Conference. Bellevue, WA, May 1999.
Introducing teachers to the net. Paper presented at the Northwest Council for Computer Education (NCCE).WA, March 1999.
The roles technology can play in the transition from high school to college to career. Paper presented at the International PacRim Conference on Disabilities. Honolulu, HI, February 1999.
Internet at summer camp? An opportunity for children with disabilities. Paper presented at Technology and Persons with Disabilities. California State University – Northridge. Northridge, CA, March 1998.
Peer-peer and mentor-protege relationships on the information superhighway. Paper presented at Pacific Rim Conference on Disabilities. Honolulu, HI, February 1998.
The Internet as program focus. Paper presented at the American Camping Association. TX, February 1998.
Internet activities at summer camp. Paper presented at Tel?Ed ’97. Austin, TX, November 1997.
Introduction to the Internet (with Dan Comden). Workshop presented at Closing the Gap (CTG). Minneapolis, MN, October 1997.
Work-based learning experiences for students with disabilities (with J. Smallman). Paper presented at Closing the Gap. Minneapolis, MN, October 1997.
Introducing teachers to the net: What? Where? When? How? Paper presented at the National Educational Computing Conference (NECC) ’97. Seattle, WA, June 1997.
Peer-to-peer relationships on the Internet: Advancing the academic goals of students with disabilities. Paper presented at the National Educational Computing Conference (NECC) ’97. Seattle, WA, June 1997.
Mentoring on the Internet. Paper presented at the Technology and Persons with Disabilities, California State University – Northridge. Northridge, CA, March 1997.
World wide access: Focus on libraries. Paper presented at Technology and Persons with Disabilities. California State University – Northridge. Northridge, CA, March 1997.
DO-IT: An electronic community of individuals with disabilities. Paper presented at the Tel?Ed ’96. Tampa, FL, December 1996.
Introduction to the Internet (with Dan Comden). Workshop presented at Closing the Gap (CTG). Minneapolis, MN, October 1996.
College: You can do it!. Paper presented at Closing the Gap. Minneapolis, MN, October 1996.
Adaptive technology for students with disabilities. Paper presented at National Science Teachers Association. St. Louis, MO, March 1996.
How to create a successful electronic community on the Internet. Paper presented at Technology and Persons with Disabilities. California State University – Northridge. Northridge, CA, March 1996.
Making science labs accessible to people with disabilities. Paper presented at Technology and Persons with Disabilities. California State University – Northridge. Northridge, CA, March 1996.
Making electronic resources in libraries accessible to individuals with disabilities. Paper presented at the Music Library Association. Seattle, WA, February 1996.
Making computing services accessible to students with disabilities. Paper presented at EDUCOM. Portland, OR, November 1995.
Mentoring via the Internet. Paper presented at Closing the Gap. Minneapolis, MN, October 1995.
Exemplary projects foreshadow the future: Focus on DO-IT. Paper presented at EdNET 95. San Diego, CA, September 1995.
Strategies for working with students with disabilities. Paper presented at the Cooperative Education Association. Minneapolis, MN, April 1995.
Network communication and information resources: What’s in it for students with disabilities? Paper presented at Closing the Gap. Minneapolis, MN, October 1994.
Providing access to computing services for individuals with disabilities: Why, what, how? Paper presented at EDUCOM. San Antonio, TX, October 1994.
Improving campus attitudes about students with disabilities. Paper presented at the Association for Higher Education and Disability (AHEAD). Columbus, OH, July 1994.
Disabled students in engineering. Paper presented at the American Society for Engineering Education. Edmonton, Canada, May 1994.
Disabilities, Opportunities, Internetworking and Technology (DO-IT) on the electronic highway. Paper presented at Technology and Persons with Disabilities. Los Angeles, CA, March 1994.
Including students with disabilities in cooperative education programs. Paper presented at the Cooperative Education Association. Orlando, FL, March 1994.
Technology for students with disabilities. Paper presented at the Department of Energy. Oakland, CA, December 1993.
Adaptive computing technology (N. Coombs). Paper presented at EDUCOM. Cincinnati, OH, October 1993.
DO-IT! (Disabilities, Opportunities, Internetworking, and Technology). Paper presented at AAAS Conference. Washington, D.C, October 1993.
Using technology to open doors to academic and career opportunities in science, engineering, and mathematics to individuals with disabilities (with L. Scadden). Paper presented at EDUCOM. Cincinnati, OH, October 1993.
Computing services for disabled students in institutions of higher education: The results of a national survey. Paper presented at the Society for Disability Studies. Seattle, WA, June 1993.
Helping disabled students down the road to independence. Paper presented at the Information Technologies on the Frontiers of Learning Conference. University of Montana, MT, April 1993.
K-12 and the Internet. Paper presented at the Northwest Council for Computers in Education Conference. Portland, OR, January 1993.
Special education: Going online. Paper presented at the Northwest Council for Computers in Education Conference. Portland, OR, January 1993.
Adaptive technology: Empowering faculty and students with disabilities. Paper presented at EDUCOM. Baltimore, MD, October 1992.
Joining the electronic community: Empowering individuals with disabilities. Paper presented at Closing the Gap. Minneapolis, MN, October 1992
At your fingertips: Accessing information with your computer. Paper presented at the Association of Higher Education and Disability (AHEAD). Long Beach, CA, July 1992
Computing services for disabled students. Paper presented at the National Educational Computing Conference. Dallas, TX, June 1992.
Computing services for disabled students. Paper presented at the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS). Washington D.C., October 1991.
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Sheryl Burgstahler
Last modified: November 9 2017