Thinking Fast and Thinking Slow

This session begins an exploration of thinking about thinking.  Nobel laureate Daniel Kanhneman deserves credit for the title- he published Thinking, Fast and Slow in 2011.  In our quest to become master clinicians it is paramount we explore all aspects of clinical reasoning.  This session introduces the thought process behind conscious and unconscious bias.

A brief note on bias.  The Oxford English Dictionary (OED) defines bias as “Cause to feel or show inclination or prejudice for or against someone or something.”  As you read the below articles and participate in the in class discussion consider how these theories of thought contribute to how fast or slow you arrive at conclusions.

Over the course of EHM we will continuously refer to Type I and Type II thinking.  An understanding of these fundamental thought processes can improve not only your clinical reasoning but your interactions with patients and peers.

  1. Watch “Think Fast! Critical Thinking and Dual Process Theories.”
  2. Read the article Croskerry P. A universal model of diagnostic reasoning. Acad Med. 2009;84:1022-8. Be sure to read the highlighted sections.