Author Archives: billhill

Community Visit

Complete the readings

READ: Entering and Exiting Communities

  • Whether you’re working with a partner, conducting a site visit, doing research, or getting to k now folks in a community, it helps to think through the before, during, and after to create a comfortable, safe, and reciprocal experience

READ: Collins, Janet, and Jeffrey P. Koplan. “Health impact assessment: a step toward health in all policies.” Jama 302.3 (2009): 315-317.

  • Instructions: Review social and structural determinants of health and how they apply to communities and health outcomes.


Supplemental readings and resources (not required)

Safety Culture

1) Watch the video: “Building a psychologically safe workplace” (TED talk by Amy Edmonson).

GOAL: Develop awareness of psychological safety and its importance in teamwork.


Optional After class:

IHI Online Open School Modules –

  • Supplementary activity to provide greater detail and context for the material covered in lecture.  Recommended for students pursing certificate in quality and safety.
  • GOAL: Improve understanding of culture of safety by providing additional examples.
    • PS 104 lessons 2-3
    • PS 202 Lesson 2

The Medical Safety Net

After Class:

GOAL for this reading: Provide additional data regarding community health centers, populations served, and funding received.

Instructions: Read the “Executive Summary” of “Community Health Centers: Recent Growth and the Role of the ACA” after class in preparation for community experience.

Optional video:

Optional additional references:

Physician Accountability After Critical Events

Molly Jackson, Elizabeth Kaplan

1) Read Article

Read the Medical error: the second victim. The doctor who makes the mistake needs help too (Wu, AW., 2000)

GOAL: Appreciate the idea of aftermath of medical error and idea of provider as second victim..

Context and Instructions: Read article to begin to appreciate medical errors can have on providers and get introduced to a way of thinking of how to support ourselves and colleagues who experience the aftermath of a medical error.

2) Read Article

Read Patient Safety Primer – Debriefing for clinical learning (as a pdf).

GOAL: Gain more familiarity with tool of debriefing especially as it might pertain to the aftermath of an adverse clinical event.

Context and Instructions: Read article to learn about the definition of debriefing, the components of debriefing, and special considerations.

PICO Questions and Finding Medical Information

1) Watch PICO video

GOAL: Differentiate a PICO question from a background question.

Instructions: Actively watch video to help understand the components of a PICO question and how you might employ these questions in clinical practice.

2) Watch Finding Medical Information video

GOAL: Understand how to access different sources of information depending on your question.

Instructions: Actively watch video to help understand differences between types of questions and available resources to answer them.

3) Write some PICO questions of your own 

Develop 2-3 PICO question of your own to share in class tomorrow. It may help to think about a patient you have seen or a case discussed during Foundations or EHM so far. You can use the PICO diagramming tool to record your questions.  Be prepared to share and discuss.


Community Violence: ACEs, Resilience, and Trauma Informed Care

Watch Nadine Burke Harris’s TED talk that introduces key concepts about Adverse Childhood Experiences and how they impact health.

Read about how one community is addressing violence (PDF) and adverse childhood experiences.

Optional: For students who want to see how the idea was started – Read the original ACE Study, Relationship of Childhood Abuse and Household Dysfunction to Many of the Leading Causes of Death in Adults.

Community Engagement in Population Health

Optional reading:

This article presents an overview of the mechanisms by which community-based organizations can contribute to community well-being. Consider the implications for local communities you have worked in, and think about questions you’d like to ask panel members about their work.

Ethical Values, Obligations and Virtues in Communities

1) Review Ethics Key Terms

GOAL: Develop a preliminary grasp of these approaches/concepts and how they are different from ethical approaches/concepts covered thus far in the course.

Review these key ethics terms before turning to the video and reading:

  1. Care Ethics
  2. Communitarianism
  3. Interdependency

2) Watch video of Carol Gilligan on Moral Development and Care Ethics.

GOAL: Understand the basics of care ethics and how it might apply to the clinical setting.

Consider what is different about the approach that Gilligan is suggesting (i.e. a relational or Care Ethics based approach) from what you typically think of in terms of your ethical obligations as physicians.

3) Read Baby Aaron and the Elders by Ellen Wright Clayton and Eric Kodish

GOAL: Start to employ these two approaches (communitarianism and care ethics) to a complex case of refusal of life sustaining treatment (LST).

Consider what you learned from Gilligan’s video and the above ethics key terms.

  • How is a communitarian approach being employed by Aaron’s family?
  • How could a communitarian approach guide the response of the medical provider?
  • What would be the primary goal(s) in a Care Ethics based approach to this case? Be specific.
  • How might a Care Ethics approach guide your particular response to baby Aaron’s family? What would it avoid?

Systems Engineering

IHI online open school. Optional assignment: Students complete the online curriculum and assessment for certificate program.  To provide greater detail and context for the material covered in class.  Recommended for students pursing a certificate in quality and safety.

IHI Online Open School Modules –

  • Define principles of human factors design. Understand how technology can help mitigate against medical error.
    • PS 103 lessons 2-3