Canvas Preferences

Email Notifications from Canvas

To reduce the frequency of email notifications from Canvas courses, follow the steps below to change your Canvas account preferences. Notifications are sent for different types of events in your Canvas courses. For example, a notice might be sent when new material is added to a course.

  1. Log on to
  2. Click Account (top left).
  3. Click Notifications.
  4. To the right, under the Email Address column, set frequency for each type of Notification (never, daily, weekly or immediately).

Time zones in Canvas

By default, Canvas is set to PST, the University of Washington’s time zone. To set your own time zone, follow these steps.

  1. Log on to
  2. Click Account (top left).
  3. Click Settings and then click Edit Settings (right side menu).
  4. Choose Time Zone.
  5. Click Update Settings.