Final grade submission for UW SOM courses

Option 1) Import final grades from Canvas

  1. Enter grades in the Canvas gradebook. Confirm that none of the gradebook columns are muted, and that every student has a final cumulative grade in the Total column.
  2. Access GradePage at this address: Click the name of the class to display the grade submission page for that course.
  3. At the top right, click “Import from…” and select “Canvas Gradebook”.
  4. When prompted to choose an official format, choose the “School of Medicine Pass/No Pass scale”.
  5. The “Convert Final Score to Grade Points” page will display. Enter the minimum percentage corresponding to a P = Passing grade.
  6. Click “Review converted grades” to display the review screen. Verify that grades have been converted as expected.
  7. To finish the import process, click “Import Grades” at the bottom of the page. You will be returned to the grade submission form, which will display the imported grades.
  8. Click “Review”. You will move to the “Review” page.
  9. To complete grade submission, click “Submit”.

Option 2) Manually enter and submit final grades

Additional instructions here:

  1. Log on to Gradepage at
  2. Click on your course in the list. A list of the enrolled students will be displayed.
  3. To the right of each student’s name, click in the empty field and select the appropriate grade.
  4. After entering scores for everyone, click “Review” to check the entries.
  5. Click “Submit” to finish. You should receive an email confirmation afterwards.

Submitting grades for Year-long or Hyphenated courses

Year-long and Hyphenated courses meet for more than one quarter. Grades for these courses cannot be imported from Canvas until the last quarter of the course. During the grade submission period, Gradepage will provide options for “N” (ungraded quarters) or “P /F” (final quarter of the course) in the appropriate quarter. Follow the instructions above for manually submitting grades, or see: