SOM Research Administration Peer Network (RAPN)

SOM Research Administration Peer Network (RAPN)

The Research Administration Peer Network (RAPN) provides a dedicated forum for pre- and post-award grant administration personnel to address challenges and opportunities related to the research mission of the University of Washington School of Medicine.

RAPN meets on the 3rd Tuesday every other month from 12:00 to 1:30.

Join our RAPN mailing list

Join our RAPN Teams channel

Current RAPN co-chairs:
Sarah Jonas, Director of Research Operations, Cardiovascular Health Research Unit
Sarah Robinson, Grants Manager, Pharmacology

2024 Meetings

Date Agenda

May 20, 2025


March 18, 2025


January 21, 2025


November 19, 2024


September 17, 2024

ECC and Effort Tracking (topic-focused presentation)

SOM Updates – Margo Cousins, Director, Research and Graduate Education

ECC Updates – Matt Gardner, Post Award Fiscal Compliance

Questions, Tips, and Tricks related to ECC and Effort Tracking

  • Emily Lamont, Department of Medicine
  • Meg Frazer, Department of Medicine
  • Austin Campbell, Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences

Meeting Recording:

9-17-2024 RAPN ECC and Effort Tracking


Updates from Research and Graduate Education

Updates on ECC and Effort Reporting

July 16, 2024

12:00 to 1:30

In-person potluck 

Foege Building, N130A

May 21, 2024

12:00 to 1:30


March 19, 2024

12:00 to 1:00

12:00-12:15   SOM updates: Margo Cousins, Director, Research and Graduate Education​ 
12:15-12:30   Brief Q&A with GCA​
12:30-1:00   Post-Award and PI dashboard: Dinah Millikin, Director, UW Finance DATAGroup

January 16, 2024

12:00 to 1:30


2023 Meetings

Date Agenda

November 21, 2023

12:00 to 1:30


12:00-12:05 Updates from the Office of Research and Graduate Education; Margo Cousins, Director, Research and Graduate Education

12:05-12:35 Cost Share in Workday; Matt Gardner, Assistant Director, Post Award Fiscal Compliance

12:35-1:05  Workday Reports Demonstration; Sarah Robinson, Grants and Contracts Manager, Pharmacology

1:05-1:30   Additional Q&A

September 19, 2023


12:00-12:30 In-person social time

12:30-12:50 Mia Alberro from UX ORIS

12:50-1:20 Subaward receiving demo with Wendy Star and Alison Laing

1:20-1:30 General Q&A

July 18, 2023
Informal roundtable discussion on UWFT. No recording is available. 
May 16, 2023 Meeting cancelled
March 21, 2023 5 minute RAPN Update – Carrie Campbell, RAPN Co-Chair
5 minute SOM hit list – Kathy Bracy, Director, Office of Research and Graduate Education

101 Series Presentation
Office of Sponsored Programs: Who Are We?
Speakers: Carol Rhodes and Jennifer Lopez

“SAGE Award Demo”
Presenters: Kim Halstead, ORIS Communications Specialist & Judy Chung, SAGE Product Manager

Meeting recording

January 17, 2023 Agenda:
• 10-Minute RAPN

101 Presentations
• UW Libraries Teresa Jewell, Team Science and Research Services Librarian Title of Presentation: “UW Libraries – Information resources throughout the research lifecycle”

Topics Discussion with RAPN Community
• Discussion and feedback about 2023 RAPN meetings

2022 Meetings

Date Agenda
November 15, 2022

12:00 to 12:10 – Welcome and a Quick Tour of RAPN Microsoft Team

12:10 to 1:30 – UWFT Q&A

September 20, 2022

12-12:05: Quick hello from our new Co-Chair Chelsea Musick; And a very brief overview of the RAPN Team

12:05 – 12:30/35: GCA 101 Presentation with Q&A, “GCA Overview” with speakers and participants from GCA: Susan Wilbanks, Grant Analyst; Jonathan Nagle, Grant Analyst; and Cheryl Haycox, Grant Analyst Manager

12:30/35 – 1:30: “Working Against Bias in Recruitment and Hiring” with speaker Associate Vice Provost for Faculty Advancement, Chadwick Allen

July 19, 2022 5-Minute SoM Hit List Kathleen Bracy, Director, Office of Research and Graduate Education, School of Medicine
• Updates relevant to the School of Medicine research community

RAPN Updates
• Carrie Campbell, RAPN Co-Chair

RAPN 101 Series: Office of Sponsored Programs
Tim Mhyre, Learning Manager
Ariadna Santander, Proposals and Awards, Team Purple Manager
Mike Snow, Proposals and Awards, Team Gold Manager
Adelia Yee, Central Operations Manager
• An overview of the Office of Sponsored Programs

SAGE Transformation & Support during UWFT
Emily Elliott, Communications & Marketing Specialist, Office of Research Information Services (ORIS)
• UWFT and the transformation and remediation of finance-related research administration processes and systems

May 17, 2022 5-Minute RAPN Update Andrea McCook, RAPN Co-Chair

101 Presentations
What is CoMotion: Learning about the role of UW’s Technology Transfer Office Jennifer McCullar

Post Award Fiscal Compliance: Who are we and what do we do? Matt Gardner

March 15, 2022 • A quick look at what’s coming up for RAPN in 2022
• “UW School of Medicine Dean’s Level Proposal Review”

First in the 101 Presentation Series Presented by Fred Royall, Grants Compliance Analyst and Janell Douglas, Grants Review Manager, Office of Research & Graduate Education, School of Medicine

January 18, 2022  No meeting