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Dissemination of the findings from the surveillance system assessment performed is a critical step to ensure the data collected is used for public health action and the identified gaps are addressed. The ultimate purpose of dissemination is to increase the reach of evidence and increase motivation and ability to use and apply evidence. The role of stakeholders in dissemination will depend on the level of stakeholder engagement adopted by the assessment: will stakeholders lead dissemination, be partners in dissemination, or receive dissemination materials/attend dissemination activities?

Dissemination plans must address:

  • The purpose of dissemination
  • The audience for dissemination
  • The key message(s) to be shared
  • The methods for dissemination (materials and activities)
  • The timing of dissemination
  • The process for evaluating success of dissemination

Dissemination materials should be as succinct as possible, use a minimal amount of text (for written materials), and clearly outline any actions needed to address gaps identified by the assessment. Several variations of materials may need to be developed, depending on the target audiences and their literacy (reading, writing, and scientific). Materials can include workshop presentations, pamphlets, short videos, written reports, academic publications, policy briefs, newsletters, flyers, and many others. Dissemination activities may include stakeholder and community workshops, meetings with policymakers, and conference presentations.

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