About me



Born in Caerphilly, Wales, raised in Toronto, Canada, educated in Los Angeles, California, I work in Seattle, Washington, and embrace life and living in the Pacific Northwest.

As a spatial demographer, I am keenly interested in all scales of mobility over the life course, spatial genealogies, population health, inter-generational dynamics, and urban housing disparities. My interests are deeply guided by principles of social justice and spatial equity. I am happiest when engaging with data, statistics, GIS, and geovisualizations, while listening to acoustic indie folk music.

I am an associate professor in the Department of Geography at the University of Washington.

I currently serve as the Geography Graduate Program Director.

At the University of Washington, I am affiliated with:

The Center for Studies in Demography and Ecology

The Center for Statistics and the Social Sciences

Interdisciplinary Ph.D. Program in Urban Planning and Design

West Coast Poverty Center