Thomas F Heston MD

August 7, 2023

Medical Mythology: Its Etiology, Prevention and Treatment

Myths are widely held beliefs that are false or of unverifiable existence. In medicine, they are not just unproven theories or mistaken conclusions but fictitious ideas that weave their way throughout the profession. To prevent and treat medical myths, they must be recognized as a disease harmful to patient care. Using established principles of medicine, the myths can be medically managed and a cure attempted. The prevention of myths is accomplished through evidence-based medicine and numeracy. The cure of a myth requires greater peer review of academics by practicing clinicians. Thought leaders must speak up despite professional isolation or public ridicule to turn the tide against a pervasive myth.

Citation: Heston, Thomas F, & Gosselin, Marc. (2010). Medical Mythology: Its Etiology, Prevention and Treatment. Webmedcentral General Medicine, 1(9).