August 19, 2023
Statistical Limitations in Comparing 123I-MIBG and 18F-FDG PET in Neuroblastoma Staging
123I-MIBG and 18F-FDG PET were compared for neuroblastoma staging. Small sample sizes limit statistical power. More data is needed before eliminating either modality. Heston TF. 123I-MIBG Versus 18F-FDG: Which Is Better, or Which Can Be Eliminated? Journal of Nuclear Medicine February 2010, 51 (2) 330; DOI:
August 18, 2023
An Excess of Information
A partial solution to information overload would be to display laboratory data in z-scores, speeding up the evaluation of multiple lab tests. A simple review would determine whether a test was normal or abnormal and the severity of the abnormality. Heston TF. An Excess of Information. Southern Medical Journal. 1991; 84 (8): 1063.
SNM Updates Guidelines for Breast Scintigraphy Imaging
The Society of Nuclear Medicine has published updated guidelines for breast scintigraphy using dedicated gamma cameras and 99mTc-sestamibi. The guidelines provide best practices on patient selection, radiotracer dosing, imaging protocols, interpretation, and reporting. They outline specific clinical indications like cancer staging, high-risk screening, and monitoring therapy response. Details on personnel qualifications, techniques, radiation safety, and…
Masking Ignorance: Most People Wear Masks Incorrectly
This study observed 100 people in public and found that 73% wore masks incorrectly, usually cloth or loose surgical. Only 27% wore tight-fitting surgical masks or N95 respirators. This shows most people use masks in ineffective ways to prevent viral transmission, so public health messaging needs to improve to enhance proper mask-wearing. Citation: Heston TF. To…
August 12, 2023
Subchondral architecture in bones of the canine shoulder
In 1987, I had the opportunity to participate in my first research project as a pre-med student at the University of Washington. Although pre-med, I was still studying music with my major in music theory and history. Under the guidance of Dr. Peter Simkin, a rheumatologist and research physician, I was entrusted with the statistical…
August 11, 2023
Optimizing Job Design to Improve Healthcare Employee Satisfaction and Patient Care
In this article, I discuss some key issues in job design to help healthcare workers perform at their best and be satisfied at work. Citation: Heston, Thomas F. (2023). Optimizing Job Design to Improve Healthcare Employee Satisfaction and Patient Care., 2023(Aug 23). Online on Medium
August 9, 2023
Do Emergency Physicians Follow the American College of Emergency Physicians’ Policy Regarding the Evaluation of Nontraumatic Chest Pain in the ED?
Lewis, Lawrence M. and Heston, Thomas F. and Mecker, R and Lasater L and Rush C. Abstract. This study looked at 718 patients evaluated by 97 physicians in 10 regional hospitals. The correctness of the ED diagnosis was correlated to the cumulative score for adherence to ACEP rules (p = 0.0003). Keywords: ACEP, acute chest…
A Comparison of Care Rendered by ED Physicians With Varying Medical Backgrounds
This prospective study compared the quality of the history (Hx), physical examination (PE), diagnosis, and treatment (Tx) of patients with hand injuries as performed by emergency department (ED) physicians with varying training backgrounds. There were 465 cases reported by 93 physicians. No differences between residency-trained and legacy practice-track EM board-certified physicians were found. Physicians of…
August 7, 2023
Medical Mythology: Its Etiology, Prevention and Treatment
Myths are widely held beliefs that are false or of unverifiable existence. In medicine, they are not just unproven theories or mistaken conclusions but fictitious ideas that weave their way throughout the profession. To prevent and treat medical myths, they must be recognized as a disease harmful to patient care. Using established principles of medicine,…
August 6, 2023
Assessing Illness and Recovery With the Clean Plate Sign
Hospitalized patients, upon admission, often have a degree of anorexia which gradually resolves as their medical condition improves. Thus, a quick way to assess the overall improvement of hospitalized patients is to look at their plate after breakfast when rounding. Patients with a clean plate after eating their full meal often are close to or…
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