Thomas F Heston MD

September 7, 2023

The Limits of Education for Heart Health

We all know eating healthy and exercising is good for our hearts. But knowledge alone isn’t always enough to change behaviors. A recent study found educating patients about cardiovascular risks led to some improvement in meeting ideal health metrics. However, the changes fell far short of the goals set by the American Heart Association. This highlights the need to complement education with additional strategies. Financial incentives like taxes on cigarettes can deter unhealthy choices. Apps providing reminders and feedback may encourage positive habits. Doctors should recommend lifestyle changes at every visit. Comprehensive reinforcement is key. While knowledge is power, lasting change requires an ecosystem of support. Education opens the door to awareness, but motivation and capability are also crucial.

Citation: Heston, T. F. (2013). Improving cardiovascular health through education and support. Southern Medical Journal, 106(11), 610–611.