Thomas F Heston MD

May 22, 2024

Nuclear Medicine Safety: Ensuring Responsible Radiopharmaceutical Utilization

Nuclear medicine harnesses the power of radiopharmaceuticals for diagnostic and therapeutic purposes. However, the inherent risks associated with radioactive materials necessitate strict adherence to safety protocols. Authorized users, radiation safety officers, and committees work collaboratively to ensure compliance with regulatory standards, encompassing proper handling, administration, and disposal of radiopharmaceuticals. Meticulous training, dosimetry, and reporting procedures are critical for minimizing radiation exposure to patients, staff, and the environment. As nuclear medicine advances, integrating cutting-edge technologies and refining safety measures remain paramount for responsible radiopharmaceutical utilization and optimal patient care.

Citation: Heston TF, Tafti D. Nuclear Medicine Safety. [Updated 2024 Mar 14]. In: StatPearls [Internet]. Treasure Island (FL): StatPearls Publishing; 2024 Jan-. Available from: